The Devil's Due(146)

“They are so few, we protect their numbers by never exposing them, even to the humans in our tribe.”

“It is a hard way to live.”

She nodded. No use denying the truth.

“But sometimes even a very difficult life comes with blessings.”

“Most times, yes.”

“Like finding your true mate.” The expression in the wolf’s eyes filled with meaning.

Una shook her head, not so much in denial as incomprehension.

“Una, sweeting . . .” He moved forward until the heat from his body called out to hers. “What does it mean when two Chrechte share their dreams?”

She opened her mouth to tell him that they hadn’t been dreaming.

But he laid his finger against her lips. “Or are called together in the land of the spirits?”

“I don’t know,” she whispered. “Only those of royal blood, or who are called on a quest can visit the spirit plane.”

He was of royal descent, but that didn’t explain her being there with him. And in each sojourn, she had only ever seen someone else that first time.

“Or sacred mates.”

“It cannot be.”

“It is.”

“But . . .” She was going to argue that she was afraid of him, that they could not be mates because she could not share intimacy with him.

Only it would have been a lie. Una no longer felt even a trickling of anxiety in Bryant’s presence.

“They didn’t violate me,” she said so quietly, she was not sure he would hear.

“They tortured you.”

“I have scars.” Faded in five years, but still there.

“I see nothing but marks of strength and courage on a beautiful body.”

“I . . .”

“You belong to me. With me. Now and always.”

“I can’t.”

“You do.”

Her gaze rose to meet his. “Can a wolf love an eagle?”


Her breath stuttered and she waited for him to say more.

“How could I not love you, Una?”

“But you do not know me.”