The Breed Next Door(30)

He hummed his pleasure of her taste. Sweet. Addictive. He pushed her closer to the edge of her release, his finger thrusting deeply inside her, caressing the responsive depths as she lifted to him.

"Tease." Her rough accusation was thick with her pleasure.

"Fuck me, Tarek. Don't make me have to kill you." He would have smiled if he weren't so consumed by the hunger for her.

"Tarek…" Her half-scream was followed by the tightening of her pu**y around his finger, her tummy tightening. "You'll pay for this." Her knees bent, her feet pressing into the mattress as she lifted closer. "I swear I'll make you pay…" He gave her what she needed. Adding another finger to the snug depths of her cunt, he began to pump them inside her using his lips, his tongue, the suction of his mouth to drive her higher, to send her into fragmented explosions of ecstasy. She arched to him, crying out his name as he quickly rose above her, lifting her, pressing his c**k into the convulsing tissue of her pu**y as he gritted his teeth against the pleasure. She was so tight. So hot.

Liquid silk. Lava-hot cream.

He gripped her hip with one hand, lowering his weight to the elbow of his opposite arm as he felt her legs wrap around him.

Her pu**y flexed around him, tiny flutters of sensation, tight, rippling caresses washing over his erection as he worked it into her, first short, desperate thrusts and then hard lunges as he began to f**k her with all the strength and desperation of the hunger surging inside him.

His lips lowered to hers, his tongue spearing into her mouth as she moved beneath him, opening for him, taking him with strangled screams and ever-tightening ripples of her responsive pu**y.

She was ecstasy. She was life.

The tempo of his thrusts increased as the hormone surged from his' tongue to her system, heating them both further, sending them rushing headlong into orgasm.

As he felt his release tightening his balls, the extension beneath the hood of his c**k began to engorge, becoming firmly, heatedly erect and locking him tight inside. Violent shudders shook her as her arms tightened around his neck, her head turning as his lips unerringly found the mark that branded her as his mate as he began to flood her with his se**n.

Shocking, violent pleasure. A bonding unlike anything he could have known. And Lyra. Always Lyra. The center of his life.

"Oh God. Tell me that barb thing does not go away with the heat," she gasped when they found the sanity to breathe. "I wouldn't be pleased."

"I guess you'd have to hurt me?" He chuckled weakly as he rolled to his side, pulling her against his chest as he sighed in contentment.

"I'd have to hurt you bad." She sighed.

"But you'd still love me." She'd better.

"I'll always love you." She nipped at his chest before leaning her head back to smile up at him mistily. "Always, Tarek. You might not be the boy next door, but the Breed next door works much better."

Their laughter was soft, content. His soul was fulfilled. He wasn't completely human. But neither was he an animal. He was a Breed, a Breed who had found his mate, and his life.