Tanner's Scheme(91)

She was flawed. Weak. Only the strong could survive in this battle, and he refused to allow the weakness of his love for his daughter to stay his hand. She had betrayed him. There was no love in her for him, to have betrayed him this way. He had taught her better. Trained her better. But she was weak. Too weak to be allowed to destroy him.

“Do you believe the Breeds have her?” It was his fear, his greatest fear, that the animals would offer her asylum in exchange for what information she might have. If this happened, he would have no choice but to risk his spy within Sanctuary before they could complete the kidnapping of the boy. Scheme knew too much of his organization; she would be a liability to his plans and the Council’s needs.

“We believe so, sir,” Dog answered. “We believe she’s been with Tanner Reynolds. Our Sanctuary contact reports that an emergency call came in before the Breeds’ heli-jet flew out to Sandy Hook. She should be there within hours if she is.”

Cyrus tightened his lips in fury and turned back to the window. “You can leave now,” he barked. “I’ll take care of this from here on out.”

“Yes, sir.” Dog turned and beat a hasty retreat from the office as Cyrus turned and sneered at the animal’s back and the door closed behind him.

Chaz had been one of his greatest assets, and now he was gone. Had he lived, Scheme would have already been dead. Instead, the bitch had disappeared and Chaz was dead, with no sign of who had killed him.

She had to have been conspiring with those Breeds long before now. He knew it. He could feel it. How else could they have secreted her away so quickly?

She was a woman, weak, too easily led astray. Just like her mother. A whore, just as her mother had been, Scheme had proved that when she not only allowed herself to become pregnant, but allowed Chaz to bring another man to her bed.

He shook his head. Just like her mother. The bitch that had whelped Scheme had been intelligent, well placed in society, but her bloodline had been tainted by her dockworker grandfather. She had dared, actually dared, to aid in the escape of several Breeds from the lab where she worked.

He had killed her himself, just as he should have killed Scheme. Teaching her to fear him, to obey him hadn’t worked. Somehow, she had overcome her fear.

He stared at the picture of her on his desk. The long sable hair, the serious brown eyes, the restrained line of her lips. He’d thought he had succeeded in raising her properly, but he’d been wrong. So wrong.

Moving to his desk, he picked up the secured cell phone he used to contact his spy at Sanctuary. A Breed. His lips tipped into a smile. For once he had succeeded in the training he believed in so implicitly. If Scheme showed up at Sanctuary, then her stay would be very, very short-lived.

He punched in the text message.

Delay mission. Betrayer of prime importance. Report soon.

The moment the message left the device, the encryption would send it in coded form. A short little note saying hello from a friend. Nothing more. The Breeds would never know it for what it was intended.

He sighed regretfully. He had looked forward to beginning the training on Lyons’s son himself. The Council had approved the plan to kidnap the child. He was a first-generation Breed child conceived naturally. They were all curious to see how his genetics differed from his father’s. Should the boy prove to be the specimen they were hoping for, then he would be given into Cyrus’s care and his training program.

The boy was nine, a little old to be inducted into training, but Cyrus was confident of his chances of success if they could manage to steal him from the secured compound the Breeds used as home base. Sanctuary had the best security, the most merciless guards, but Cyrus had his spy and his spy knew their weaknesses. Knew, because she was one of them.

The Council couldn’t stop the breeding of the animals with their human counterparts, but they could use them in their attempts to find a way to destroy the Breeds.

They must be destroyed. At the very least, confined to prevent their attempts to mix with society. They were animals. Animals had no rights, no souls. And he would prove it.

Tanner didn’t take any chances with Scheme’s safety. He might be furious with her, betrayed by her, but her life meant more to him than his own. Enough so that when the heli-jet landed, Callan’s personal guards were waiting at the landing pad to escort her to the main estate in the secured Hummer normally used for Callan and the main Breed Cabinet when outside Sanctuary.

He could tell by the look on Jonas’s face when he spotted the Hummer that Jonas considered the move a waste of time. Tanner didn’t. His gut was on fire with the warning flares of danger slamming into it. His survival instincts were amplified, stronger than they had ever been before, and they were assuring him that no protection was too great right now. No precaution too extreme.

“I’ve called the Breed Cabinet together.” Jonas looked back from the copilot’s seat, his silver eyes flashing with steely determination. “They need to be apprised of the situation immediately so we can get additional security in place.”

“How do you know the spy isn’t on the cabinet?” Scheme asked then. “I’ve seen the profile associated with this Breed, but no personal information. They were trained just for this. To infiltrate the inner circle of their target and wait. They weren’t trained for direct or covert warfare as many of you were. Their tactics are more subtle.”

“The cabinet isn’t a threat.” Jonas shook his head. “I trust every one of them with my life and there are very few that I trust that far. I’ve been tracking this spy myself, Scheme, I have it narrowed to several parameters, but not the main estate. You’ll be safe there.”

“Have you pulled Alpha Team back to Sanctuary?” Tanner asked then, referring to the group that had surrounded his cabin in Kentucky and the Breeds Cabal had reported were skulking around Sanctuary.

“Alpha Team is in full force on Sanctuary,” Jonas said and sighed. “But I would prefer if that information doesn’t leave here. They are our last defense in this endeavor, Tanner. If all else fails, they’ll succeed.”

“They’re watching David?” Tanner asked.

“They’re tracking. Callan refuses to change David’s bodyguards at present. We’ll see how he feels once Scheme makes her report.”

Tanner doubted that would change Callan’s mind. David’s bodyguards were men the pride leader trusted above anyone else. He wouldn’t trade them for Jonas’s Alpha Team, period.

Beside him, Scheme remained silent. She hadn’t said a dozen words since they left the caverns, and her eyes were haunted. He could smell her pain, her fear, her need. Despite the time he had spent trying to slake the mating heat before leaving the caverns, it was only growing again. With each mile the scent of her arousal infused the cockpit of the heli-jet, putting every Breed in it on edge and making Tanner’s mood worse.