
Missy was with her father, and for once, Tess saw anger lining the beautiful blonde’s face.

“You’re in my home, Ella,” Missy reminded her, her slender body tense and lined with anger. “I suggest you leave it and consider what you’re losing in this display you seem intent on. Tess isn’t a child. She’s a woman. Her lifestyle is none of your concern.”

Fury pulsed through the room, nearly choking Tess.

“I can’t believe you did this. That a child of mine would lower herself to the same games her father plays.” Tess flinched under the cold, unrelenting judgment her mother was meting out.

“Ella!” Missy’s voice was a lash of hot fury. “I will have you escorted from my home if you cannot speak to your daughter decently. What she does is no business of yours. She’s a grown woman.”

“And I don’t need anyone fighting my battles for me,” Tess bit out, more than surprised at the confident edge of power in her stepmother’s voice. Missy with a backbone? She wouldn’t have believed it.

“Do you know what she was doing here, Jason?” Ella screamed out at her ex-husband. “This had gone even further than the games you practice—”

“For God’s sake, Ella!” Jason cursed furiously. “Listen to you. Do you think our daughter wants to hear this? Our problems don’t involve her.” Her father’s face was ruddy with his own embarrassment. “I don’t care what she was doing. I trust Cole to protect her, that’s all I needed to know.”

“Well had you shown up a moment sooner—”

“Then I would have warned them of my arrival before entering the house,” he growled in disgust as he cast Tess an apologetic look. “For pity’s sake, stop humiliating Tess because of your own bitterness. This has gone too far.”

Ella turned to Tess, her eyes hard, resentful. “Leave your belongings, Tess. You’re going home with me. Now!”

When had she ever given her mother permission to order her around in such a manner? Tess watched her in growing confusion and pain. She had never known how angry, how bitter her mother had become. And for what reason? She had often stated how her life was more secure without a man interfering in it.

“I won’t leave, Mother.” She felt Cole’s hands tighten at her shoulders, the way his body tensed expectantly behind her.

Shock filled her mother’s expression.

“What did you say?” She seemed to gasp.

“I won’t leave—”

“He’s using you, Tess,” Ella said furiously. “You’ll be nothing but his whore. He proved that today.”

Tess shook her head. “I love him, Mother. I have for years and I was too scared to admit to it. But I’m even more frightened of being alone and bitter, without at least having this time with him.”

Silence held the room. She thought she heard Cole whisper a reverent “Thank God.” But she wasn’t certain.

“You will,” Ella screamed furiously, her fists clenching at her side, her eyes glittering wildly. “You won’t stay with these monsters.”

“Perhaps it’s where I belong.” Tess wanted to cry out at the hurt that flashed in her mother’s eyes. “I love Cole, Mother, and I’m not ashamed of that, or what I’ve done. I enjoyed it.”

Ella opened her mouth to say more.

“Don’t speak, Ella,” Jason snapped. “Keep your mouth shut and leave her the hell alone.”

“You don’t control me, Jason,” Ella bit out, her body trembling. “You didn’t while we were married and you don’t now.”

“Probably what her problem is,” Cole whispered at Tess’s ear.

Her eyes widened for a moment before she put her elbow in his hard stomach. He only chuckled.

“I will if you don’t keep that viperous tongue quiet,” he growled. “And trust me, Ella, you better be careful. You may find out the monsters you hate so much are more a part of you than you know.”

“I’m not part of this,” Jesse finally sighed as he finished dressing. “I’m heading out of here, boys and girls. See you at the office, Cole.”

He slapped Cole on the shoulder before leaving the room.

Ella’s eyes followed him, narrowed, furious.