
His eyes lit up in arousal. Tess lowered her head to her knees. God, she didn’t know if she could.

“You want it, Tess.” He moved behind her, sitting up to pull her against him as he whispered the words in her ear. “You’ve wanted it for a long time, baby, everything I have planned. Just settle down, and we’ll take it step by step.”

Tess was fighting to control her breathing, her heart rate. She was terrified of him, and of herself.

“I can’t, if Father found out—”

“Tess, your father knows,” he said gently. “Why do you think your mother divorced him? She didn’t want sex, let alone what he needed. Your father knew when those books were found what you needed. Just as he knows what I need.”

Embarrassment coursed through her body. She remembered coming home from college, her mother raging at her, the humiliation of the accusations she had thrown at Tess. It was one of the few times her father had put his foot down. Then he had pulled her into his study and uncomfortably informed her that sexuality was a personal thing, and none of his or her mother’s business.

“Your sister—?” She left the question hanging.

“Knows what he wants and enjoys it. That’s the key point, Tess. You have to enjoy it, otherwise, it brings me no pleasure. Your pleasure is most important, Tess. What you want, what you need.”

His hands were at her abdomen, softly stroking the nervous muscles there. His lips brushed over her shoulder, her neck.

“I don’t want a toy, Tess,” he promised her. “Or a woman who doesn’t know her mind and speak up accordingly. But in the bedroom, that is where I want the woman I know you are. If you want to fight me, then fight. If you want to submit, then do so. If you want to be tied down and raped, let me know. All of it, I can give you and enjoy. But if you ever reach a limit, you have to tell me. If I ever suggest something you don’t want or can’t handle, then you have to speak up. And after that, unless you ask for it, it will never be approached again. So be very careful in the pleasures you deny yourself.”

She lifted her head from her knees.

“And when you’re tired of me?” she asked him.

“What if you grow tired of me first?” he asked her then. “It goes both ways, Tess. If we can’t give the other what they need, then there’s no point in going on. Do you agree?”

Her hands clenched at her knees. “I agree,” she whispered.

“There are no rules, Tess. But from this point on, no means no. If you don’t want it, then you say the word. Understand?”

She nodded nervously.

“Each night, I’ll push you further. Each night, you’ll learn something new about yourself.” His hands moved to her arms, caressing the tight muscles, easing the nervousness locking them up. “Don’t be frightened of me, Tess. Or of yourself.”

“No other women.” She wanted it clear from the beginning. “I don’t know if I can even handle another man. But you can have no other women.”

“I don’t want another woman, Tess,” he assured her. “And there will be no other men, unless it’s something I decide.” His voice hardened. “There is a particular pleasure in sharing your woman that you may never understand. But not just any man would be worthy of the privilege, baby, trust me.”

“If you don’t f**k me now, I’ll walk out of this house and I won’t come back,” she finally breathed roughly. “I’m tired of waiting, Cole.”

She had turned the tables on him then, she moved before he could stop her, turning and pressing against his shoulders until he lay back on the mattress. He was already hard, and she was already wet. His c**k tented the front of his pants, hiding him from her. Hooking her hands in the waistband she pulled them down, lifting them over the thick erection and jerking them from his legs.

“I wondered when you would get tired of waiting,” he said with a smile, though his gaze was hot, wickedly lustful.

Tess jerked the gown over her head, then moved up his body. She heard his hard breath when her damp cunt grazed his cock, but she continued on. She wanted his kiss. She was dying for it.

As her lips touched his, his arms went around her, turning her, flipping her onto her back as he rose above her. His tongue pierced her mouth, his lips slanting over hers as he turned the caress into a carnal feast. Tess moaned brokenly, feeling the tenderness, the utter warmth of his touch, his body above hers, the easy strength of his muscles as he kept her close against him.

“My dick is so hard I won’t last five minutes inside you,” he bit out. “Are you on the pill, or do I need a condom?”

“Pill,” she gasped. She didn’t want anything between them. She wanted to feel him when he came, feel his seed spurting hard inside her.

“Damn, Tess, I’m almost scared to f**k you, you’re so damned tight,” he growled as his hand smoothed over her cunt, his finger testing her vagina.

Tess arched into the penetration, her hungry moan shocking her as her body begged for more.

His lips trailed along her neck, moving steadily down, down to the hard, sensitive tips of her br**sts. When his mouth covered one, her womb contracted painfully. Oh yeah. That was good. SO good. His tongue rasped over the tip, his mouth suckling at her with a strong motion that left her quivering. Then he nibbled at the small bud, the slight pinch driving her arousal higher with the edge of pain.

“Damn, you’re so hot you’re burning me alive,” he growled, moving back to her lips, searing them with his kiss.