
“Did I say I was leaving you?” he asked her, arching his brow in question. “No, Tess, I’ll be here with you, all night, every night. But you’re not ready to be f**ked yet.”

“I promise I am,” she bit out. “I really am, Cole.” If she got any more ready, she would go up in flames.

He chuckled, though the sound was strained.

“Not yet, Tess,” he whispered. “But soon.”

He moved across the room, and then Tess noticed the small tray that sat on the mantle of her wall-enclosed dresser. He picked it up and as he turned back to her, Tess’s eyes widened in apprehension.

There were several sexual aids laying on the silver tray, as well as a large tube of lubrication. The one that frightened her most, was the thick butt plug that sat on its wide base. Tess trembled at the sight of it, shaking her head in fear as he neared her. If only she was frightened enough, she thought distantly. God help her, her cunt was on fire, her body so sensitive she thought a soft breeze would send her into climax. And seeing those toys, the thick butt plug and the large dildo, had her trembling, not just in fear, but in excitement.

He set the tray on her nightstand, then sat on her bed, staring at it.

“If you don’t stay aroused, needing me and what I’ll give you, then I’ll walk away,” he said, his voice so soft she had to strain to hear it. “But I’ll push you, Tess, see what you like, see what you can take. Not just tonight, but all week. You’re mine until the night of your father’s party. No matter what, no matter when, as long as what I’m doing arouses you.”

“And if it doesn’t?” she asked angrily. “What are you going to do, hurt me until I can’t take it anymore?”

He turned to her, his eyes blazing.

“Only I can give you what you want, what you need,” he bit out. “You’re so damned hot to be dominated you can’t stand it. Do you think I don’t know that? Did you think you were told the rumors of my preferences needlessly? If you weren’t excited by it, Tess, you wouldn’t have been so wet you soaked my hand two years ago when I caught you in the hall. You’re just scared of it. And I want you too damned bad to let you stay frightened of what we both need any longer.”

“I won’t do it!” But excitement was electrifying her body, making every cell throb in anticipation.

“Won’t you?” he growled. “I know about the books your mother found in your room when you went to college, Tess. The stories you read, to satisfy that craving you couldn’t explain.”

Her face flushed. Her mother had been enraged over the naughty books she had found in Tess’s room that year.

“Captives, dominated by their lovers. Submissive, loving every stroke of the sensual pleasure they received.

Tess could feel her flush of mortification staining her entire body.

“Did you ever f**k your ass, Tess?” he asked her softly, leaning toward her, watching her closely. “As you stroked your cunt, fighting for orgasm, did your finger ever steal into that hot, dark little passage, just to see what it felt like?”

She had. Tess moaned in humiliation. But it hadn’t been her finger, rather it had been the rounded, slender vibrator she kept hidden. The dark surge of pleasure that had spread through her had been terrifying. Even worse had been the hard, shocking quake of an orgasm that had her nearly screaming, ripping through her body, and making her cunt gush its slick, sticky fluid. The remembered pain of the penetration, the humiliation of that rushing liquid squirting from her had caused her to never try such a thing again except with her fingers. Even now, years later, the thought of that one act was enough to leave her flushing with shame.

“Did it hurt, Tess?” And of course, those wicked eyes knew the flush of admission on her skin. “Did it make you want more?”

“No,” she bit out, shaking with nerves, with arousal.

“I think it did.” He touched her cheek, his fingers caressing her flesh, his voice gentle. “I think I left you aching, needing, and too damned scared to try to reach for it. I think, Tess, that you need me just as much as I need you.”

“And I think you’re crazy,” she bit out, refusing him, wondering why she was when she needed it so damned bad.

His thumb stroked over her swollen lips, his eyes dark, glittering in the light of the candle.

“Am I?” he asked her softly. “Let’s see, Tess, just how crazy I am.”


Tess watched Cole, trying to still the hard, rough breaths that shook her body. She couldn’t seem to get enough oxygen, couldn’t seem to settle the hard shudder of her pounding heart.

“There’s a fine line that divides pleasure and pain,” he told her as he removed the butt plug from the tray, and the tube of lubricant. “It’s so slim, that if went about the right way, the pain adds to the pleasure, in a dark erotic manner.”

He moved to the bottom of the bed. He loosened the ropes attached to the footboard, then grabbed her legs quickly before she could kick out at him. Ignoring her struggles and heated curses, within minutes he had her entire body flipped over, the ropes once again holding her in position as he tucked several pillows beneath her hips.

“You bastard.” Her voice was strangled as crazed excitement shot through her body.

Her bu**ocks were arched to him now. She was spread, open to him, and the flares of fear and excitement traveling through her body had her terrified.