
“Well, you waited long enough for her.” Sax rolled his broad shoulders as he headed for the hallway. “I’m heading home now. I need to sleep.”

James followed him to the door and as the other man turned back to him, lifted a brow questioningly.

“I’ll need your help now,” Sax said with a fierce frown. “You and Cole set up Ella’s downfall. I expect your help setting up my woman’s fall.”

James grinned. “You have a deal, Sax. Give me a chance to figure out how to get to her, and I’ll let you know.”

Sax nodded. “I’ll be waiting. Impatiently, but waiting.”

He walked out the front door, closing it softly behind him. James sighed deeply, secured the locks and then returned to Ella’s bedroom.

She was in the same position he had left her in, curled up on her side, her auburn hair a cloud of silk around her face, her expression peaceful, serene. Had he ever seen her peaceful or serene before he invaded her life? He shook his head, knowing he hadn’t.

“Is he gone?” she mumbled as he eased into the bed beside her.

Surprised, James stared down at her closed eyes.

“He’s gone.” He pulled her into his arms, tucking the blankets around her again.

Her voice was drowsy, replete, as she snuggled against him. “No more threesomes.” She yawned. “I can’t move.”

He chuckled gently. “Let me know when you need to move and I’ll do it for you,” he assured her.

Silence thickened around them again for long seconds.

“What now?” she asked, her voice even, though he heard the worry in her tone.

“Hmm. Many things.” He smiled against her hair. “But I’m not leaving, Ella. Not now, not ever. You’re mine. You submitted to it, baby. You can’t back out now.”

The letter he had left that day was detailed in more than one regard. Submit now, submit for life. The ring that had accompanied it graced her finger, just where it belonged.

“You have a lousy way of proposing, James. I’m going to have to teach you better. Boy toys are supposed to be more romantic, especially married ones.” Warmth filled her voice, a warmth that gave him hope. Then joy swelled in his chest when she whispered, “Especially the one I love.”

He laughed then, feeling freer, happier than he could ever remember feeling.

“I’ll keep that in mind, baby.” He kissed her lips tenderly, feeling her smile, her exhausted response. “Sleep now. In my arms, Ella. The way it’s supposed to be.”

And they both slept.


He had sworn she would come to him. He wouldn’t spend agonizing months trying to ease her into a relationship she had stated she would never tolerate. So he tried to seduce her into it instead.

After Thomas’s death, he had made himself indispensable to her. He was at the house often, fixing this or that, just talking or watching movies late into the night. Despite appearances, Terrie was a wary person, well aware of how easily she could be hurt, how weak she was physically. From what he had gathered, his brother had been more of a bastard than he had ever imagined.

“Now that was a beautiful wedding.” Terrie stumbled against him a bit as he helped her into the house.

James and Ella’s wedding ceremony had made her teary eyed, reflective. She had sat in the limo on the way home, quiet, a bit sad, staring out the window as her fingers stroked over the upper swell of one breast that her cream colored dress had revealed. The action had caused his c**k to swell, to harden in agonized need.

“Well, it wasn’t a long one, anyway.” Jesse pulled her to him, leading her to the living room, enjoying her soft weight against his side.

The soft silk of her dress slid against his hands, and when he sat her on the couch, the hem rode just below the crotch of her panties. Cream colored as well, silk. He was betting it was a thong.

“You kissed the bride.” Her surprising comment had his brows lifting in surprise.

He had kissed the bride. Long and deep, to her complete surprise and shocked arousal.

“Yeah, I did.” He knelt at her feet, removing the high-heeled shoes from her small feet.