Styx's Storm(88)

Denying it was the only way to survive, the only way to hold on to her soul until she could navigate her way through the morass of emotions she could feel tearing her apart.

"I'll demand it." His teeth nipped at her ear as she thrust back to him, forcing him deeper as a white-hot shaft of pure sensation blazed inside her vagina.

Pleasure or pain. She didn't know which, she didn't care, as long as he didn't stop.

As long as she didn't have to face anything but the pleasure, the pure sensation racing through her.

"You're mine!" The next thrust buried him to the hilt.

Storme screamed in agonizing pleasure.

Throwing her head back, she felt his teeth at her neck and didn't even give a damn. They scraped her flesh, sent shivers tearing down her spine, tremors racing through her pu**y.

Inside her, his c**k throbbed hard and heated for just a second before he began moving. Before he tore her mind from her body with a pleasure she couldn't fight, a pleasure that whipped through her like a living flame and pierced her feminine soul. Tore past her shields.

His hands moved over hers, his fingers lacing with hers as she gripped the couch arm. As his fingers curled beneath hers, she clenched on them, as her pu**y tightened around his cock.

She couldn't control it. She couldn't fight it.

"Mine, Storme!" he snarled at her ear.

Her womb convulsed as a spear of burning sensation raced through the sensitive tissue and snug muscles.

She had never belonged to anyone. She had never accepted that responsibility.

She had never allowed herself to believe it was something she could ever have.

Until now.

Until Styx.

Groaning, pressing his chest against her back, he buried deep inside her, thrusting, f**king her with hard, measured strokes as she felt the blazing need rushing higher and burning hotter.

So close. She could feel her orgasm tightening in her clit, in her womb.

"Tell me, Storme!" he demanded as he burned her, thrusting inside her with a strength and power that pulled a whimpering cry from her lips.

Shaking her head, she fought the demand. "No." The cry was weak, as weak as any resistance she could have put between them to begin with.

"Then let me tell you," he snarled as he nipped at her shoulder. "Mine, lass. My woman." Deep, hot, he thrust inside her again, a long, hard thrust that burned across ultrasensitive nerve endings and pulled a harsh cry from her lips. "I'll no' let you go. I'll no' let another tear you from me." His voice strengthened. "Damn you, I'll not let you tear yourself from me!"

She exploded.

A scream built in her throat as he f**ked her harder, faster, sending her hurtling through a release that tore her from any hold reality might have had on her and threw her into a brilliant, sensation-searing orgasm she knew would bind her to him whether she wanted it or not.

She was only vaguely aware of his release spurting inside her. Burning jets of se**n filled her as he bit her shoulder, his teeth holding her in place, a pure, primal growl echoing around her as the pleasure sent her imploding into herself and burning through the last of the barriers she had built to protect her soul.


Storme left the cabin, forcing herself to keep her head high, her gaze searching the shadows that lengthened at the edge of the fluttering lights hanging from the trees.

The courtyard was huge. Nearly twenty cabins plus the community center surrounded it, with the long tables filled with food, while others were surrounded by chairs.

Heart racing, she moved across the courtyard with Styx, hiding her shaking hands and staring boldly at the curious gazes that focused on her.

"Several of the Breeds have hearing so acute they can actually hear the racing of your heart," Styx murmured in amusement. "They can smell the suspicion, but I'm certain they'll be pleased to know that before the suspicion was the fear."

"I'm terrified," she muttered back, and her lips almost twitched.