Styx's Storm(49)

She felt the spurt of heated pr**cum, and fought against that nagging little voice in the back of her mind that warned her something wasn't normal. But hard on the heels of the warmth filling her, the pleasure intensified.

Heat rose inside her pu**y, inundating the gripping flesh with ripples of sensation as it relaxed marginally, taking the iron-hard, wide c**k with an exciting pleasure-pain.

Her hands gripped his biceps, her nails biting into the tough skin as he worked the hot shaft inside her, the spurts of pr**cum sensitizing her with each blast inside her pu**y as the additional sensations sparked a wildfire of lust that rapidly burned out of control.

Ecstasy surged through her. The feel of his c**k stretching her to her furthest limits, burning her with pleasure-pain, tore a whimpering cry from her lips.

She was burning for him. Aching for more. Destroying herself with a need for a man she knew she couldn't keep.

Styx clenched his teeth and fought against the ever rising tide of pure, naked hunger unlike anything he had known before. The clench of her pu**y around the agonizingly tight flesh of his dick was agony and ecstasy. The rippling of those muscles stroked and caressed, clenched on the sensitive crest and sent brutal fingers of sensation tearing through the shaft, his balls, then up his spine.

God help him, pleasure had never been so intense. It bordered on pain it was so overwhelming.

Beneath him, Storme arched closer, her legs lifting, knees gripping his hips as he stroked deeper inside her, lodging to the hilt and feeling his balls tighten in impending release.

Beneath the agonizingly tight flesh of his c**k he could feel the pulse of the unique Breed mating physiology tightening, yet refusing to emerge. The knot was supposed to be a mating pleasure and was usually accompanied by the heated spurts of a pr**cum lubrication that eased the female muscles and sensitized them further.

Yet that response to his mate was held back. It pulsed and ached to be released, but refused to swell in response to the release building in his balls.

Never in his life had he wanted anything as he wanted to fill her, to experience that mating heat and bonding that came when two mates were locked together, unable to separate, pulsing in a pleasure they couldn't deny.

Moving against her, he clenched his teeth as he stroked inside her, harder, faster.

The knot should emerge with release. Perhaps this time. If he f**ked her past her release, held back as long as possible, gave in to the need to lock his teeth at her shoulder as he filled her with his come, then maybe the mating knot would emerge. Maybe the agony of the need would ease.

Pumping harder, his breathing harsh as he scented the impending release of his mate arching and crying beneath him, Styx felt her pu**y tightening further, growing hotter, rippling, shuddering until she jerked in his arms and he felt the spill of her juices along the painful hardness of his dick.

There. His teeth locked in her shoulder as he felt her explosion rock her body again. Right there. God, he couldn't hold on any longer. He was losing his mind, losing his control.

His release spurted hard and with a blaze of ecstasy from the head of his cock, filling her, sending a surge of fiery heat racing through his body.

But the completion fell short of the need. His c**k jerked and throbbed, se**n spilling into her as pleasure raked across his nerve endings. But still, that something was missing. The ache of the throb in the center of his shaft refused to abate, refuse to allow him to forget that for some reason, he couldn't mate his mate.

As night spread a black velvet cloak over the mountains, the fog lifting from the cool mountain lake to create a froth of mystery around the small community of Haven, Styx made his way to the base of the mountain and the cabin that sat close to the entrance of the Breed scientific facility. Trailing fingers of the shifting moisture eased into the trees, wrapped around them like a lover and created a sense of comfort as Styx moved along the path that led away from the main block of homes to the home of Dr. Nikki Armani.

The door was open, soft light spilling from the kitchen as Dr. Armani sat at the kitchen table surrounded by stacks and piles of hard copy files that had been taken from various labs during the Breed rescues.

The human doctor had worked with Breeds since she was barely more than a girl.

A genius in genetic sequencing and the complications of merging human and animal DNA, she was considered a treasure by the Council, and the Wolf Breeds' only hope to understand their own unique DNA and the phenomenon of mating heat.

Unlike Feline Breeds, Wolf Breed mates rarely conceived. There were few children to compensate for the dangers of mating heat and the cost of hiding the decrease in aging that came with it.

"Styx?" She looked up, the darkened features of her face tightening in concern as she rose to her feet. "Is everything okay?"

Hell no, it wasn't.

"It's getting worse." He cleared his throat, uncertain how to actually voice the fact that he still couldn't seem to mate his mate.

"Come in, I'll fix a cup of decaf coffee and I'll tell you what I've been working on"

"No coffee, Nikki." He shook his head as he paused at the entrance to the kitchen.

"You have to tell me what the hell is going on here before this need makes me insane."

She stared back at him as she stood at the table for long moments. Finally, she nodded slowly. "Have the symptoms grown worse yet? The tests we've done show compatibility for mate, and there are minute quantities of the mating hormone in your saliva and se**n. It should have progressed by now."

"The glands beneath my tongue have gone from an itch to a damned ache, but they haven't swollen. I've a damned hard-on that's driving me f**king insane, and the pressure of the mating knot that never emerges during sex," he stated as she frowned back at him. "Nikki, this is wearing at my control here. It's all I can do not to lose my mind when I'm with her. Hell, I can barely think long enough to get our damned clothes off."