Stygian's Honor(92)

Pausing, his chest at her back, his hand at her hip, Stygian brushed her hair back from the nape of her neck as a shiver raced over her flesh. The heated warmth of his breath stroked her nape a second before she felt the rasp of his incisors against the sensitized skin.

A shudder of near-exquisite pleasure sizzled down her spine. Her ni**les hardened to painful tenderness, her clitoris swelled and throbbed with rising demand while her vagina clenched at the aching emptiness between her thighs.

There was nothing benign or sedate about Stygian, just as her response to him wasn’t in the least muted. It was hot, demanding, explosive. All those things she’d never allowed herself to feel with anyone else.

“I mated you, Liza,” he whispered at her ear. “You were meant to be my mate, my woman. Of all the women in the world, only you could ever be mine, now. Just as I’ll now always belong to you. Nature ensured you can’t run, you can’t hide and you can’t deny what we have.”

“I didn’t ask to run, or to hide,” she informed him as her lashes drifted closed, the feel of his lips barely a breath from her neck, sending chills racing through her.

“But you would deny me if you could,” he stated.

Would she deny him? If she could walk away from him, would she do it?

She wouldn’t.

Locked within the suddenly sensually charged atmosphere, Liza knew she had no desire to leave.

“I wouldn’t deny you, Stygian, even if I were able to.” She wasn’t going to lie to him at this point. She wasn’t going to lie to herself.

She couldn’t, even if she wanted to, because he would know the lie for what it was. And there was no way to deny the fact that if she could have chosen an adventure to destroy her life, this would have been the one she would have chosen, and the man she would have chosen to have it with.

As though to reward her for not denying it, his lips settled against her nape, taking small, leisurely kisses along the column of her neck.

The velvet-rough texture of his lips, the heated lap of his tongue against her flesh was incredibly sensual. It added fuel to the latent flames simmering between her thighs and heating her clitoris.

What he did to her should be illegal. What he made her body feel, made her heart race for, should have been outlawed long ago by the United Nations and entered into the Geneva Convention. Or something.

As his hands smoothed from her hips, running up, his large hands cupping her swollen br**sts, Liza knew he was destroying the woman she had fought to be for so many years.

He was destroying the security she had built for herself and the safety she had fought so hard to attain.

She rested her head against his shoulder, feeling her hair trailing down her bare arm, the skin revealed by the sleeveless summer blouse she’d hurriedly dressed in earlier.

“Let me hide,” she whispered as he began pulling the light shirt up, over her br**sts, then taking her wrists in a gentle grip, lifted her arms to allow him to remove it altogether.

“Why hide?” His teeth grazed her earlobe, sending erotic shudders racing down her back then back up again. “Come out and play, Liza,” he dared her. “Live for me.” He nipped at her earlobe before blazing a path of pleasure down her neck as his hands returned to her br**sts.

Her arms curved back, holding on to his neck as his fingers plucked at her ni**les, the tender buds so swollen, so responsive to his touch that the pleasure was excruciating.

Live for him?

She was living just fine for herself. She was doing fine hiding. She just needed to hide a little while longer.

But hiding wasn’t going to happen when he touched her.

When she could feel the strength of his erection at her back. When she could feel his fingers plumping and caressing her ni**les as his teeth raked her neck and his tongue licked a fiery path of pleasure along it.

“You’re destroying me, Stygian,” she whispered as the fingers of one hand released the small catch of the skirt he’d already removed from her body once.

“You complete me, Liza,” he swore as the material pooled at her feet, leaving her clad only in the thong panties she wore and a matching white lace bra.

How could she complete him when she wasn’t even certain she herself was whole?

One broad, calloused palm slid from her breast to travel down her midriff, over her stomach to the low, elastic band of her panties.

Sliding beneath the band, his hold tightened as her breath caught, her thighs parting as his fingers found the saturated folds of her sex.

“Again?” Shock and bemusement filled her voice. “It’s only been a few hours.”