Stygian's Honor(5)

Diane nodded slowly. “Do you have a weapon?”

Not ones she was ready to reveal at the moment. At least, no more than one.

“A knife, that’s all I have.” Liza forced regret to fill her voice.

Diane drew in a hard, deep breath. “Don’t let them take you. It would be far better to use that knife on yourself than to be captured by them. Once they come for me, run for the hotel. Breeds will be looking for me. They’ll take care of you.”

“I’m surprised, Ms. Broen,” the sandy-haired Coyote drawled as he moved ahead of the flirtatious one. Smoke curled lazily from the cigar clenched between his teeth as his gray eyes gleamed wickedly. “I’ve heard of your mate. I’m shocked he’s not at your side facing us with that prick-assed attitude of his. Or did he do as he always swore he would and run the other way the minute he realized he was mated?”

“He was only delayed a bit,” Diane assured him.

“More like expecting her to be the good girl and stay in their bed rather than heading out to save this little bitch.” Malcolm waved his gun in Liza’s direction. “How did you know we were coming for her, Diane?”

That was something Liza would like to know herself.

She just hoped Cullen was able to do what he was so good at and read between the lines of this little conversation for the information he was searching for.

Liza remained carefully still as Diane stepped back protectively to cover her, the weapon in her hand never moving from Malcolm.

“Poor Malcolm,” Diane drawled in an amused tone. “You just couldn’t face me alone, could you? You had to bring the bullies to protect you.”

Malcolm’s gaze narrowed hatefully as the sibilant hiss of the communications link sounded in Liza’s ear.

“Get ready,” Cullen murmured. “Reinforcements are easing in. They’re there, just being careful.”

His updates were all that was keeping her sane at the moment. Her heart was pounding against her chest, racing at a terrified pace and tightening her throat with panic.

Malcolm scowled as the Coyote with the cigar chuckled wickedly. “Sounds like a challenge to me, little man.” Geez, could this crew get any more ridiculous?

She was beginning to doubt it.

“Shut the f**k up,” Malcolm snapped, his face flushing a brick red as his eyes glittered with fury. “No one asked you.”

“No one had to ask me.” The Coyote gave a low, amused laugh once again. “She’s cute as hell, Malcolm.”

“And she can kick Malcolm’s ass to hell and back,” Diane assured them all. “He knew he would have to face me.” She nodded to Malcolm. “He didn’t come for the girl. He came for me.”

The Coyote turned his head to Malcolm. “That true, Malcolm?”

Malcolm’s lips thinned angrily. “Two birds with one stone, right? She got her uncle and his second-in-command killed so she and that bastard Thor could take over the team. I told you I wanted blood.”

“That wasn’t the mission,” he was reminded as the Coyote briefly gripped his cigar between two fingers and lowered it from his lips. He didn’t look happy.

Diane chuckled. It was a forced sound of amusement, but it was amused nonetheless.

“Four Coyotes.” She sighed. “For little ole me? That scared of me, Malcolm?”

His jaw tightened, his hands clenched on the weapon.

“If you want me, come fight me,” she suggested with a laugh. “I dare you.”

Every Coyote there seemed to perk up.

Liza stared at the back of Diane’s head in disbelief. Everyone knew you didn’t make a dare in front of Coyotes. Good or bad, there wasn’t a Coyote living, it was said, who wouldn’t take a reasonable dare.

Or was that the point? This woman would know more about Coyote Breeds than most. She was more than just an agent for the Bureau; she was the director’s sister-in-law. No doubt, she knew all their strengths, their weaknesses, and exactly how to get to them.

“A thousand on the girl,” the leader murmured, proving the supposition.