Stygian's Honor(131)

She loved him breathlessly, completely.

While she hadn’t been looking, he had stolen her heart, and she knew there was no chance of ever getting it back and being the same again.

Now, she only hoped she could survive it.

“I love you.” He kissed her temple gently before moving.

A sharp breath of reaction parted her lips at the rush of pleasure when he pulled from her. Still partially erect, his c**k caressed across violently sensitive nerve endings, sending a rush of pleasure sizzling through her before it abated once again, sated for the moment.

“Lie here a second, babe.” He laid her on the bed before shedding his jeans completely and moving to the bathroom.

Returning moments later, he cleaned the slick, wet proof of their arousal from her thighs and the folds of her pu**y with a damp cloth. Then drying her gently, he pulled the blankets over her before moving back to the bathroom.

The sound of water running brought a smile to her face.

When he returned to the bed and slid beneath the blankets with her, Liza curled against his chest, needing his warmth, needing him holding her. Feeling his hand sift through her hair, his fingertips rubbing against her scalp, Liza let herself sink into the comfort he was offering.

“Don’t let me get lost, Stygian,” she whispered as the exhaustion of the past days began to catch up with her.

Emotions, nightmares, fear and anger had plagued her, making her sleep restless, her dreams dark and impossible to remember when she awakened.

“I won’t let you get lost, baby,” he promised as he soothed her.

For once, there was no distance, no emotional storm, no desperation to hold herself aloof, and no arousal. There was just the comfort he was offering her and an overwhelming sense of safety.

“Sleep, Liza,” he crooned, his voice gentle, his hands incredibly tender as he soothed her. “Right here, rest against me, we’ll figure out our next move later. I promise.”

And he always kept his word.

Her eyes drifted closed, her breathing evened out and she allowed sleep to settle over her.

Maybe, was her last thought, maybe, in Stygian’s arms the nightmares would stay away. Maybe she could sleep, just for a little while. Just long enough to find the strength to face what she feared was coming—

The destruction of everything she had believed she was—of everything her life had been.

Because life as she knew it was over.


Stygian stared out over the desert landscape from the top of the spherical column of stone that rose above the valley floor, just behind the hotel, his gaze narrowed, his animal instincts humming in danger.

Something was out there—

“What are you hearing from your contacts?” he asked Dog quietly.

“I know they’re here, I just haven’t been able to find them. Since word went out that Cassie Sinclair was arriving in the area, more teams have been sent out, but like the others, they haven’t been glimpsed.”

The Genetics Council was sending out their best teams now, evidently. With the creation of the scent reduction drug, it was becoming harder and harder to track the bastards down too.

“They have to buy supplies at some point,” he stated. “Are there men in town watching for that?”

“We have several teams watching.” An edge of irritation colored Dog’s tone. “But what the f**k are we watching for and how do we cover every damned business that could possibly provide their supplies? And if they follow directive command and work with humans to supply their needs, then we’re f**ked there.”

Wasn’t that the truth. Window Rock had dozens of businesses supplying outdoorsmen, hunters, weekend vacationers and the list went on.

“Why this area?” Stygian asked as he surveyed the land again, paying particular attention to the small canyon that ran alongside the road. “What are they looking for? There has to be more than just Honor, Fawn, Judd and Gideon. They have to be after something more.”

“Not sure, but there were signs of movement in the canyon night before last and several times last week. Loki has been flying over the desert, twenty miles in each direction, to track them. He’s been able to track and explain all movements but this one and another about four miles to the east of the hotel.”