Stygian's Honor(124)

It was a warning—she didn’t dare question him further, and she didn’t dare disbelieve him.

The animal he was so related to was clear in his voice, the dominance and arrogant strength shadowing it.

No, he hadn’t betrayed her, she could bet her life on it.


Liza watched with a frown as Jonas and her father stood, staring each other down.

Both men were incredibly strong-willed, each with an innate arrogance that no doubt grated on the other.

They were two men who would never get along. They would rarely see eye to eye.

And one was about as stubborn as the other.

Jonas wouldn’t leave Window Rock until he had answers, one way or the other.

If her father knew those answers involved his daughter, then hell would freeze over before he’d tell Jonas a damned thing.

Unfortunately, in the meantime, a little girl was suffering and she and Claire were on a roller-coaster ride they couldn’t seem to stop.

“I believe, Mr. Johnson, you were asked to leave.” Stygian stepped around her, placing his body in a protective position in front of her.

“This is ridiculous, Stygian,” she muttered.

Turning his head and pinning her with his gaze, his lips formed the words, “Trust me.”

She sighed. She trusted him fine, it would just be nice to know what the hell was going on, and to make sense of her father’s and Ray Martinez’s attitudes.

“Liza, you know I would never hurt you,” her father stated as she watched him silently.

No, he would never hurt her physically, but emotionally, she was learning, was another thing.

“Dad, that’s exactly what you’ve done.” Tears thickened her voice, humiliating her, making her feel like the child he obviously believed she was.

“Your feelings are hurt, but I’d much prefer your feelings or your pride singed versus the alternative,” he stated cryptically.

“And that alternative would be?” It was Jonas who spoke up as her father, Ray and Terran moved to leave the room.

Audi stopped, his expression tightening, gray eyes flashing in anger. “The situation you’ve provoked, Director Wyatt. You’re placing her life in danger,” he bit out, unable to hide the anger in his voice. “You and your refusal to allow the past to die.”

“Audi, stop,” Ray snapped, his voice low.

“My refusal to allow my child to die?” Jonas snapped back, the liquid mercury of his gaze shifting dangerously. “We asked for your help when we arrived, yours and President Martinez’s. You refused. I will not leave here until I have the answers I came to find.”

“We don’t have what you want,” her father snarled, surprising her with the frustrated fury in his voice.

“And you think your training can actually dissipate the lie you f**king stink of every time you’re questioned on this.” Jonas was suddenly on him, his voice raised, all but nose to nose, fiery anger and a dangerous warning echoing in his tone. “Let me tell you who you are dealing with, Mr. Johnson. You are dealing with a Breed whose senses are far superior to those that obviously trained you to lie to a Breed.”

Panic tightened through her.


Liza could feel the fear rising in the depths of her soul, a sense of such horrible panic that the premonition seemed apocalyptic.

“Tell me, Mr. Johnson, exactly what are you hiding?”

She wanted to scream.