Stygian's Honor(109)

Dreams she had allowed…no, dreams she had forced herself to push to the back of her mind when she awoke. Dreams she refused to allow herself to dwell on. Dreams that existed to fill her with fear and dread and caused her to follow the path to that other place, just outside reality, where no emotion, no dread and no fear and certainly no truth, could touch her.

A path she had found in a dream.

A dream where she had shown herself a way to escape.

I go here, she had told herself in the dream. I hide here, because I don’t like the world. Because it’s frightening and harsh and I just want to get away from it. You can go there too. You can hide in my place, because I don’t need it any longer.

Why had it taken her so long to remember?

Moving into the small partitioned area set up evidently for those not interested in partaking of the men’s antics, Liza sat down slowly on the surprisingly comfortable sofa that faced the gym.

Placing the laptop on the coffee table, she wiped her hands over her face before pushing her fingers through her hair and breathing out roughly.

That path to that non-real place was closed to her now. It had been closed to her since the night Stygian had made love to her.

Or mated her.

But the dreams were still there, and this time, the dreams weren’t evading her memory once she awoke.

“God, this is so crazy.”

Lifting her head, she stared out at the gym, watching with a sense of envy as the four men were indeed pounding each other into the mats.

Hell, she hadn’t even known this room was here. If she had, she would have called Claire and asked her to join her. They could have invited Ashley and Emma—.

Her lips twisted mockingly. Perhaps she wouldn’t have. They obviously knew the room existed and hadn’t suggested it the few times she had talked to them.

But, if she had, maybe she wouldn’t have had the chance to watch the spectacle she was watching now.

Flint came at Stygian with a hard flying kick, catching his powerful shoulder and doing no more than kicking him back. Gripping Flint’s ankle, Stygian twisted it, hard. The other man flipped midair, following the direction that could have twisted his ankle from his leg before jerking free.

Coming to a crouch, Flint barely managed to jump out of the way as Stygian threw a hard side kick his way. Without giving the other Breed a chance to recover, Stygian was at him again.

A hard jab to the jaw jerked Flint’s head back even as he delivered another into the younger Breed’s hard, muscle-packed abdomen.

Flint went back. Barely catching himself, he managed to recover and send a hard jab to the side of Stygian’s face.

The sound of fist meeting flesh and bone caused Liza to wince despite the fascination she was feeling.

The fascination as well as the arousal beginning to build between her thighs. Her clit was so swollen she was suddenly, heatedly, all too aware of the fact that it had been more than forty-eight hours since he had last touched her.

Since he had last kissed her.

And his kiss was simply…delicious.

It tasted just a little bit like cinnamon candy, coffee and chocolate. She loved cinnamon candy, coffee and chocolate, especially when she tasted it in his kiss.

Pressing her thighs together, she reminded herself she really didn’t have time to consider his kiss right now. Or his touch. Or the way the tip of his tongue did that little swirly thing around her clit.

She couldn’t consider the pleasure right now, or how much she had missed it. She definitely didn’t want to consider how good it would feel to have him moving over her, moving inside her.

The feel of her vagina clenching, the moisture spilling to the folds beyond was so sensual, so incredibly erotic when combined with the memory of his kiss that she swore the hunger clenching her womb would make her crazy.

She wanted him now.

Ached for him now.

And he was too busy sparring with his buddies to even care.