Soul Deep(34)

“What of your lionesses?” The male voice was as carefully soft as the female’s. Amanda had only a vague impression of sliding darkness, a shadow that passed by her. No sound heralded the stranger’s arrival until the lion began to purr roughly. Darkness shielded the animal then, only to be joined by another form.

“They can’t find the disturbance,” she reported, her hand gripping Amanda’s arm and urging her up as the sound of motorcycles grew nearer.

“He’s settled for now,” the man she had called Tanner said softly before crooning to the animal again.

“Shit,” Amanda whispered as the throb of the cycles began to shatter the night. “Kiowa’s coming, isn’t he?”

“Yes. Kiowa is coming.” A slender hand tightened on her arm. “If he’s hurting you, I can help you Amanda. Don’t lie to me.”

“Dawn,” the man behind her said warningly. “This is none of your concern. Kiowa has the right to his mate. You know this.”

“Not if he hurts her,” her voice deepened. “I and my lionesses will protect you, Amanda, if he’s hurting you.”

“Goddammit, Dawn…” A rough curse, but one filled with pain, not anger filled the night. “Seth won’t hurt you.”

Amanda shook her head in confusion. There was more going on here than this strange woman’s concern.

“He doesn’t hurt me…” The motorcycles lit up the area as they slid around the bend, coming to a bonejarring stop that had the lion on his feet, a roar ripping through the night as a dozen women stepped from the trees and surrounded the nervous lion.

“Amanda, I’m going to paddle your ass,” Kiowa’s voice was furious, hot. Amanda’s bu**ocks clenched at the thought. And it wasn’t in fear. She watched him swing from the motorcycle, broad, muscular, his expression dark and forbidding, his black eyes glittering with hunger and anger as he strode to her. Her pu**y wept as he neared, her womb clenched spasmodically as her thighs tightened in reflex.

He would have drawn her even in a more civilized setting. He would have starred in her fantasies, he would have been a man she would have gravitated to, heedless of his genetic makeup. In that moment, she realized it might not be love, but it could have been. Would he have courted her?

Hell no, he would have barreled right over her, just as he did now. He would have taken her and made her love it, and her cunt would have wept at his touch, even without the fire burning her alive now. He stopped in front of her, staring down at her with brutal, naked lust.

“Do I need to tie you down?” he snapped then, the fury burning in him echoing in his voice. Amanda smoothed her hands down her jeans and stared up at him as she admitted to herself that just as he had said, there would be no escaping him.

“Will you still spank me?”

He blinked. Once. Then narrowed his eyes on her.

“That’s a given,” he growled.

“Might as well go for broke.” She shrugged then. “What’s a few ropes into the bargain?”

“Let’s go.” He gripped her arm, his hand wrapping around hers like the gentlest vise as he pulled her to

the motorcycle. “Payback time, baby. Let’s see how you like a different kind of throb between your thighs.”

Chapter Nineteen

Unfortunately, she climaxed on the ride back to the cabin. Amanda was begging at that point, because the release did nothing to ease her, it only made her hotter. She knew what her body wanted. Knew what it craved.

“Kiowa, please…” she cried out as he pulled her from the cycle and forced her to walk to the cabin door.

Every jarring motion to her body was torturous pleasure. Her nerves were rioting, screaming out for his touch, his kiss, begging for ease. As the door slammed behind him, he turned, pushed her against it and slammed his lips to hers.

Yes. Her mouth opened for his tongue before closing on it, drawing it, groaning at the heady taste that filled her senses and the pleasure that stormed her body. She arched to him, rubbing against his heat and strength as his hands buried in her hair, holding her still for the kiss that locked them together. Her hands weren’t still. She had waited too long, the throb of the powercycle between her legs had been like throwing gas to a bonfire. She was burning out of control. Buttons popped from his shirt, if she wasn’t mistaken material tore as she fought to get to bare male flesh. All the while, his tongue was pumping into her mouth, his heated growl stroking her senses as his thumb moved to caress the wound at her neck. She cried out into the kiss, as the subtle stroking motion of his thumb sent riotous fire streaking through her.

His jeans were next. Her hands slid down his heaving chest, his taut abdomen, until she could jerk at the snap at the waistband of his jeans. Nothing mattered but touching him, being filled by him.

“Not yet, you little witch,” he snarled as he caught her hands, jerking them above her head and anchoring them with one of his big hands.

She opened her eyes languorously, staring back at him in drowsy passion as she licked the taste of him from her lips.

“Are you going to spank me?” She couldn’t get the thought of it out her head. A wicked smile tilted his lips as he watched her with dark lust.

“I should tie you down and let you suffer,” he retorted. “Let you see the agony coming, Amanda, if you actually manage to leave me. That would serve you right.”