Soul Deep(30)

Behind her walked an older man, his shoulders stooped, his gray hair mussed. Dark brown eyes regarded her quietly as he sat a large black bag on the living room table. It looked like a doctor’s bag.

“I’m Merinus.” Her smile was bright, though her brown eyes were shadowed with concern as she turned back to Amanda. “This is Dr. Martins, a very dear friend of mine, and behind him, Serena Grace. She’s one of the scientists working within the Feline Breed labs to help find a reason for this mating stuff.”

“Hello.” Amanda stood still in the kitchen, staring back at them nervously. Kiowa had left more than an hour ago, leaving her to shower and eat without him. Not that she hadn’t been looking forward to a chance to think and to make sense of what was going on.

“I know you have a lot of questions, Amanda,” Merinus said gently, her gaze compassionate. “We’re here to answer as many as we can, and hopefully manage to steal some blood off you while we’re doing it. Callan and Dash said the mating heat is much stronger with you than it has been for the rest of us. Which is saying something, because trust me, there for a while, it sucked in my case.” She laughed freely, her expression self-mocking as she made the statement.

Amanda rubbed her hands slowly up her arms and back down. The thought of being touched by another had her skin crawling.

“It won’t be easy,” Merinus said gently then. “But what we learn with each case, gives us a greater chance to help others, further down the road.”

Amanda stared at the kindly doctor and the scientist that accompanied her.

“What do you need?” she asked as the woman who had set up the playpen and deposited the child in it left the cabin.

“Serena will take vaginal and saliva samples as well as blood. She’ll ask you some questions, perform a quick physical then she and Doc will be out of here in no time flat. Then we can talk.”

Amanda drew in a deep breath. “When do I get to talk to my father?” She watched Merinus warily.

“Callan is arranging that now,” she promised. “We have to be certain of the security on the lines and make certain there’s no way anyone can tap the conversation. Keeping you safe is our highest priority, Amanda.”

Amanda swallowed tightly, her gaze flickering to the aristocratic features of the scientist and the weary sympathy in the doctor’s.

“Fine. Let’s get it over with,” she breathed out roughly.

“Ms. Marion, the samples needed and the examination won’t come without its discomfort,” Dr. Grace warned, her voice soft, her gray eyes worried. “The mating heat creates several different hormones that we’ve been able to identify and isolate. One of them is extreme sensitivity to any touch other than the mate’s. Surgical gloves aid in that, but the body chemistry doesn’t take long to identify the fact that an alien presence is touching it. It reacts with pain.”

“Yeah. Been there, done that,” Amanda muttered wearily. “Let’s just get it the hell over with. This is starting to get on my nerves.”

It wasn’t helping that she needed Kiowa. You would think she would be f**ked dry, Amanda thought cynically. Instead, she was damned near as willing and eager as she had been the first time.

“The good news is, that the body slowly adjusts to the hormones,” Serena revealed. “After this, if you follow the same pattern as Merinus, Roni, Sherra and Elizabeth, then you’ll see a reduction in the heat and its symptoms until ovulation reoccurs.”

Amanda blinked back at the scientist in amazement before turning to Merinus.

“It never goes away?” she asked, horrified.

Merinus’ lips tilted in amusement. “Not completely. But it’s really not that bad. Makes for some wicked bedtime stories,” she finished with a throaty laugh.

“This is a nightmare,” Amanda sighed, pushing her fingers through her hair as she stared back at the scientist. “Fine, let’s just get it over with.”

“We’ll use the bedroom.” The scientist picked up the bag the doctor had carried in and followed Amanda into the bedroom.

It was horrifying. An hour later Amanda was sweating profusely, agony racing through her body as she forced back her cries and endured first the vaginal exam and collecting of fluid samples from the agonized channel. The breast exam had her biting her lip until she tasted blood. It felt like needles—no, knives—were being plunged into her shrinking flesh as the scientists hands examined them carefully. Finally, her gown covering her modestly, she sat on the edge of the bed, tears pouring down her cheeks as Dr. Grace snapped a rubber tie around her upper arm and began to prepare the vein for the extraction of blood.

She hurt. God, she had never hurt like this. Every cell, every nerve ending in her body was screaming against the touch as she forced her cries back in her throat. She watched the needle coming close to her skin, her eyes wide, seeing almost in slow motion as the sharp point came closer and closer to contact. Her body was rioting, her stomach twisting with the pain.

A second before it made contact, a broad hand clamped over the scientist’s wrist and a violent, enraged growl echoed around them. Amanda followed the hand to the arm, up to broad shoulders to the black, furious eyes of the man staring down at them.

“Kiowa.” Merinus entered the room behind him. “It’s not as bad as it looks.”

He turned his head, his black hair flowing over his shoulder as his lips curled back in a snarl and he growled again. An animalistic possessive sound that even Amanda had no intention of protesting. The needle dropped from the scientist’s hand as she stared at Amanda in shock.

“Get the f**k away from her,” he ordered harshly, drawing the other woman back slowly. “Get your needles and your samples, pack up and leave. Now. Come back without my permission and I’ll kill you.”

He meant it. Amanda could see it in the tense lines of his body, the fury emanating from his voice.

“And you accuse me of being childish,” she said in amazement as the doctor moved away quickly, massaging her wrist as she kept a careful eye on Kiowa.