Soul Deep(18)

“Yeah. This is bad shit,” Simon agreed. “Get ready, he’s coming in again!”

“Stay all the way down Amanda,” Kiowa snapped as she started to lean up. “Down and covered, dammit.”

His voice was so hard, so vicious she jerked the blanket over her head and huddled against the side of the vehicle.

“Here comes Kane on a fast pass,” Simon yelled out. “Let’s see if he can draw them out.”

The hard throb of the helicopter and the sound of a speeding vehicle filled her ears. Tight curses and gunfire exploded in the night.

“Fuck this.”

The sound of Kiowa’s voice had Amanda peeking out. Her heart jumped in her throat as she watched him move his body through the window, bracing his hips against the window frame as he began to return fire.

“Dammit it, Kiowa…” Simon was cursing, Stephanie was joining Kiowa. Amanda jerked up, eyes wide, her gaze trying to fly in all directions. Two vehicles were behind them, one at their side and two ahead of them and in seconds there were bodies hanging out of all of them, firing at the helicopter streaking toward them. White flares of light exploded from the aircraft ahead as gunfire pelted around them while it veered to the side.

“Shit. Shit,” Simon was screaming now. “Tanner’s coming in with the Breed chopper, kids. This is gonna get ugly.”

Another helicopter flew in like a kamikaze on speed. It flew low over the vehicles before tilting and turning to meet the other. Amanda couldn’t see a damn thing, no matter where she looked, she could only hear it.

The sound of machine-gun fire and overhead blasts filled the night before an explosion lit the night sky and Kiowa let out a war whoop that would have done an Apache on a late night western proud.

“That boy doesn’t have the sense God gave suicide candidates,” Simon snarled as the helicopter dipped low and waved side to side. “Do you know the f**king press this is going to get? Callan’s going to kick all our damned asses.”

Amanda didn’t have the change to think or ask questions on any of it as Kiowa swung back into the Jeep, jerked her close and stole her lips in a kiss that stole her mind.

“Fuck!” Simon’s voice was the last thing she heard.

Kiowa thrust his tongue deep into her mouth, the swollen extension curling around hers as she closed her lips on it helplessly. Honey and spice. Male heat and demand. It poured into her as her hands gripped his head, her fingers tangling into his hair as he groaned into her kiss. Adrenaline, lust and fear combined to slam her senses into overdrive and send her soaring. There was no fear, no concerns when she was feeding from the passion of his kiss. Lips and tongues twisted together, fractured moans echoing within the insulated veil that lust weaved around them. Nothing else existed. Time stopped moving. There was only Kiowa.

Chapter Eleven

Kiowa was enraged, horny, and in the mood to kill. Unfortunately the f**king bastards pissing him off didn’t have the balls to face him. That left only friendlies to pound on. You couldn’t kill a friendly, but you could damned sure knock the hell out of the one that got you in this mess to begin with, he thought, as the

Jeep slammed to a stop inside the Feline Breed compound right beside Dash Sinclair. He slammed the door open, stepped from the vehicle and planted his fist in the other man’s face first thing. Fury surged through his body as he ignored the gathering Feline Breeds. Let them try to interfere, he thought as he growled warningly at the lot of them, flashing the curved canines at the side of his mouth. By God, he would lay them out too.

Dash landed on his back, shook his head then speared Kiowa with a long, cold look.

“That one was free,” he said quietly as he came to his feet. “Don’t make the mistake of taking another.”

Kiowa lifted his lip in a feral snarl before he hit him again.

“Goddamn it, Kiowa!” Dash remained on his feet, just barely.

“You dirty f**king bastard,” Kiowa growled furiously. “Remind to never, never, take another job you throw my way. I don’t need your f**king messes; I make enough of my own. I was doing real damned fine where I was at. What made you even think I needed this bullshit?”

His c**k was raging. The smell of Amanda’s heat locked in his brain and he couldn’t escape it.

“Yeah, you were real content,” Dash snorted, watching him warily as the Breeds milled around them.

“Fun was it, Kiowa, playing bouncer in a scum pit?”

Kiowa snarled again as Callan stepped closer, almost close enough to scent Amanda’s pulsing arousal, to smell that intriguing soft scent of honey and spice.

The other man backed up, an amused grin tilting his lips as amber eyes regarded him with no hint of wariness. Fucking cats, he thought furiously.

“Look, Kiowa, we have a cabin ready for you and all the explanations you need.” Dash was obviously fighting his amusement despite his sore face. “Get back in the jeep and we’ll drive up there and talk all you want.”

“Do you think I’m in the mood to f**king talk?” Kiowa snarled. “Point out the goddamned cabin then get the f**k out of my way.”