
Ian grunted as he turned, placing Courtney between them as Khalid leaned up to dispose of the condom he had donned before taking the woman. As much as Ian liked to share, he didn’t like his playground drenched in another man’s seed.

“She’s so damned wild she amazes me,” Ian sighed as he turned her to her back, chuckling as she growled irritably at being moved.

“Wild as the wind,” Khalid agreed, watching as Ian’s fingers curled around a still flushed, swollen breast.

Her ni**les were still hard, the flesh of the areola darkened from her passions. She murmured appreciatively as his thumb rasped over the tip. Her eyes remained closed, but her expression was one of drowsy, returning sensuality.

“Come here, little wind.” Ian sighed deeply as he pulled her into his arms then, tucking her protectively against his chest. “Sleep. For now.”

Khalid wondered if his friend had any idea how revealing that move was. Never, with all the women he had seen Ian share, had he been prone to cuddle them when the sex was over. And never had his voice been so deep, so filled with emotion. He loved the girl, but admitting it would be as hard as finally sharing her had been. Ian was set within the life he had deemed would be his years before. And Courtney, soft, sweet, inherently innocent, was everything he had ever feared of corrupting. Realizing that Courtney saw it as a part of the love she felt for him, a part of herself, not corruption, would be the hardest battle the two would face.

Khalid sent a prayer to God that his friend would realize this before it was too late.

Chapter Fourteen

Courtney came to awareness slowly the next morning. Beneath her, Ian slept, his arms holding her as she lay draped over his chest. Beside them, Khalid breathed deeply as well, separated from them by nearly a foot as he sprawled na**d on his stomach.

The night before had been…intense. Hours upon hours of sexual greed whipping like lightning around them.

How many different ways had they taken her? She couldn’t remember. All she remembered was Ian’s dark voice, urging her higher as each touch sent her careening over edge after edge of intensity.

He had held her as Khalid f**ked her. Fucked her as Khalid held her. They had held her, lips and teeth and tongues eating at her, sending her screaming into orgasm after orgasm as she finally relinquished herself into their hands, into their hungers.

It had been an amazing experience. As though Ian had been making up for time and delayed need, he pushed every limit had had ever suspected she had. Only to learn, there were no limits.

A smile curved her lips at the thought. He was such a stubborn man.

“You should be sleeping.” His hand moved over her unbound hair, stroking it lazily as he turned her over his body until she lay between him and Khalid.

She opened her eyes, staring up at him, seeing the lack of tension in his expression now.

“I kept up.” She smiled up at him, daring him to deny she had.

He snorted at her declaration, his blue eyes slumberous, filled with warmth as his hands caressed down her back.

“You lost it,” he charged. “You didn’t make an hour.”

“But I kept up,” she reiterated, a smile tugging at her lips.

“That you did.” His smile reached his eyes as his thumb smoothed over her swollen lips. “You definitely kept up.”

And her body ached in remembrance, in areas she didn’t know could ache.

“I’ll run Khalid off after breakfast.” His hand cupped her cheek. “We’ll have a nice, quiet day alone. If you like, perhaps dinner tonight at The Club.” Wry amusement touched his eyes. “I may as well give Matthew permission to allow you there, it’s obvious you can’t be trusted to follow the rules.”

“What rules?” She widened her eyes innocently, keeping her voice soft, quiet. The atmosphere of intimacy was a balm to the worry that had filled her for so many weeks.

A grin curved his lips.

“You are a wild woman.”

Her heart exploded as he leaned forward, his eyes open, touching his lips to hers as though in benediction. The touch was rife with unvoiced emotion, a tender, almost tentative caress that had her heart filling with joy.

He would need more time, she knew. Accepting her as she was, pushing aside his past and giving her all of himself hadn’t been easy. He would have to feel his way a bit longer before he allowed his heart the same freedom.

She could wait. She had endless patience, and for now, her love for him sustained her. She had pushed past this first, difficult hurdle. The rest would come in time. Because she knew Ian, no temptation, no hunger, no need was strong enough to break his will, unless he wanted to be broken.

“Oh God, I need a shower. All this sappy crap is getting sticky.” Khalid’s amused voice vibrated drowsily beside them.