
“Has nothing to do with that shopping bug you picked up from your mother,” he grunted at the information as he fought the laughter welling in his chest. Her mother, Marguerita, could shop for days and never tire.

“Of course not,” she assured him with mocking emphasis. “I needed new clothes. A girl has to look presentable, Ian.”

He glanced at the clothing she wore now. “Buy something that fits this time,” he suggested, unable to keep from grinning at her free-spirited laughter. “Your father should lock you in a padded room, Courtney. You’re a menace.”

She pouted teasingly. “But you love me, Ian, you know you do.” She looped her arm through his, pressing close to his side as they exited the airport. “Just think of how dull and boring this winter would be without me. I came to heat things up for you, and you aren’t showing the least amount of thankfulness.”

Thankfulness wasn’t exactly the way he would describe it, he agreed silently.

The limo waited just outside the doors, its warm interior protection against the cold on her tender flesh. Why it should bother him, when it didn’t bother her, he wasn’t certain. Maybe he was hoping it was the cold that had her ni**les pressing hard and tight against her shirt. If it wasn’t, he was in a hell of a lot of trouble here.

“You didn’t even bring a coat,” he growled as his driver whisked the door open and helped her in immediately.

“Who needs a coat?” She burrowed into the warm leather as he stepped in and the door closed behind him. “I could just cuddle up to you. You stay hot.”

She had no idea.

She flashed him a saucy smile as she began to play with the controls set against the opposite side. Within seconds, the tinted privacy window rose between them and the driver.

Ian watched her curiously. It was obvious the little minx had something on her mind. He waited patiently, watching as she leaned back in her seat, then turned, leaning her side against the leather back as she stared back at him silently.

He lifted a brow inquisitively. “You needed privacy?”

“Well, you never know when it might come in handy.” She was openly laughing at him now. “How far are we from the house?”

His gaze narrowed on her. “Half an hour, maybe.”

She turned to face him, laying her cheek against the back of the seat.

“I hate these late flights. Why is it, you can spend the night dancing and never tire before dawn. But take a flight that lands at three in the morning and you’re wasted?”

“Try meeting one at three in the morning,” he chuckled. “You dragged me from my warm bed, Courtney. Shame on you.”

“Not to mention the warm body likely sharing it.”

Her moue of displeasure was ignored.

“Your room is already prepared and waiting for you at the house,” he promised her. “You can fall right into bed the minute we arrive. Tomorrow, I’ll arrange for Stan to be at your disposal with the car. You can shop to your heart’s content.”

“Are you…coming with me?” She batted her eyes innocently.

Her sexy little innuendos were going to get her spanked. Unfortunately he had a feeling if he got his hands on her ass, discipline would be the last thing on his mind.

“I think I can do without the shopping trip.” He grimaced at the thought of it. “I’ll see if my housekeeper’s daughter is free if you like. She can help you become acquainted with the city, and show you the best stores. You’ll like Ivy. She’s as much a menace as you are.”

“Have you f**ked her?”

The question had him pausing, his gaze sharpening on her now. He wished he had kept the careful distance he had started with. If he had, he might not have noticed the hard little ni**les poking against her vest-style blouse, the white cotton doing little to hide the dark points from his gaze. There was no mistaking the arousal in her eyes, but he had been trying to ignore that.

“Is that any of your business, Courtney?” he asked her then, his voice gentle. He had no desire to hurt her feelings.

“Of course it is.” Her smile was faintly mocking. “I don’t want to go shopping with someone who’s already shared your bed, Ian. If I wanted to do that, I would have brought one of my maids with me.”

He arched his brow in surprise at the thread of anger he heard in her voice, as well as the fact that she knew who he played with while he visited. Well, he may as well strike f**king her maids if he visited her father’s estate again. And that was a shame. Dane insisted on hiring women whose coloring complemented his daughter and wife. There had been a few who resembled Courtney so closely he could even fool himself for brief moments.

“No, Courtney, I haven’t f**ked Ivy,” he answered her coolly, fighting for a show of strength in the face of a possessiveness toward him that did nothing to soften his cock. “Any other questions.”

A vivid smile shaped her lips. “None. I just wanted to be certain. I would hate to be jealous of a potential friend.”