
“Feel it, Courtney,” he snarled then. “How tight your cunt is. My c**k is filling you, stretching you. Does it burn, baby?”

She screamed at the pleasure-pain, her hands clenching in the sheets as she bucked against him.

“Is this what you want, sweetheart,” he growled as he retreated again. A second later he thrust into her, hard, fast.

“Yes!” She screamed her answer. “More.”

“More, baby?” The abrupt stretching, the sensation of being overfilled, the rasp of his heavily veined c**k over nerve endings so sensitized they were nearly painful, was stealing her mind.

Every cell of her body pulsed in the need for orgasm.

“More.” She arched as he surged inside her again, before crying out brokenly as he retreated.

“I can give you more, baby,” he crooned, his voice harsh as he slammed inside her again.

The blend of pleasure and pain increased, wrapping around her, blending together in a force that sent the tension building in her womb, her clit, her aching pu**y, to an explosion that had her screaming his name, wailing her pleasure. The muscles of her pu**y tightened further, the strokes of his c**k creating greater friction, sending another powerful blinding orgasm ripping through her.

She bucked beneath him, shuddering, violent tremors of release echoing through her nervous system as she felt him tense above her, a muttered oath escaping his lips as the sudden, fiery blasts of his se**n began to spurt into the rippling depths of her pu**y.

Satiation slowly began to fill her as Ian collapsed over her, breathing harshly, his c**k still trapped snugly within her. The harsh, shuddering effects of her release began to ease, and languor began to overtake her.

“I knew you could make me come,” she whispered drowsily as he slowly pulled from her and collapsed on the bed beside her.

Her eyes opened drowsily, a smile tugging at her lips as he turned her to her side, his fingers releasing the inflation of the plug still filling her rear and disengaging the vibration before tugging it easily from her tender rear.

“Sleep now,” he whispered as he rose from the bed, staring down at her, his eyes no longer wild, no longer filled with the raging hunger, but still gleaming with lust. “While you can.”

She watched as he moved to the bathroom, listened as water ran. Minutes later he returned, returned the toy to its drawer and thankfully, moved back to the bed beside her.

Cuddling against him, she let sleep take her. Finally.

Chapter Six

Well, that hadn’t exactly gone as he had planned.

Ian had a feeling it had gone exactly as Courtney had planned though. The scheming little witch.

A smile threatened to tug at his mouth as he acknowledged the fact that she had done as no other woman had managed in more years than he cared to remember. She had made him lose control.

He should be angry at her, hell, he should be angrier with himself. He hadn’t even remembered to don a condom.

He grimaced at the thought of that added, forgotten protection. He knew she was on birth control, but that was no excuse. He rarely allowed himself the freedom of sex without a condom. Kimberly had been the first in recent memory. And now Courtney.

He sighed wearily, turning from the sight of her sleeping form and pacing to the window to stare into the night with a frown.

His flesh prickled with the memory of the pleasure he had found in releasing his own control. It was a bittersweet memory, tinged with regret. If he was going to carry through with this abrupt change in the relationship he shared with Courtney, then he was going to have to be very careful. A hell of a lot more careful than he had been thus far.

The woman was enough to make a saint crazy, he admitted to himself. From the moment she had walked through the door to his home she had tempted, teased and pushed her way past his defenses.

Any other woman would have been out on her ass weeks before. But this was Courtney. And he had admitted that some part of him had known exactly what she was up to when her father had called, expressing her desire to visit for a while. He had known and he had allowed her to arrive anyway.

This rested on no one’s head but his own.

What now?

He rubbed his hand over his face as he snorted mockingly.

Dane would of course kill him. It was just a matter of time before the other man found out that Ian was f**king his sweet, precious little girl. And Ian couldn’t even blame him. If he had a daughter, he’d lock her in her room until she was a dried-up old prune to keep her from entering the life he lived.