
Her eyes widened in surprise a second before she frowned back at him. His gaze had narrowed, sensuality vying with a dominant glitter that made her stomach tighten with nerves.

“I didn’t mention his name, Jesse.”

“You and I both know he’s likely to be there,” he said. “You’re playing with fire. I let you run from me once, Terrie. I won’t let you do it again.”

She wanted to gape at him. Once again he was making very little sense. “Jesse, I had no intentions of seeing Conover today or ever. It’s not my fault you gave him the impression he could help you screw me. And for that matter, what gave you that impression?”

She was angry now. She could feel her veins throbbing with the pulse of blood, the heat that filled her face.

“You’re pushing me again, Terrie,” he growled. “It’s not wise to bait hungry men, baby. Keep it up and you may get more than you bargained for, and we both know you’re not ready for that.”

She was ready for him. She was ready to take her life back and find the happiness she had denied herself for so long.

“Ready for what?” she snapped back, her fists clenching now. “Ready to be touched? To be a woman for a change? Sorry, Jesse, you’re way off base there. I’m more than ready for that. Too bad you’re not.”

She moved to jump from the couch, to leave the office, to stomp home and scream and curse him as she had more times than she could count already. Unfortunately, Jesse didn’t seem ready to let her leave.

Before she could do more than gasp his arm hooked around her, turning her before he pressed her into the cushions of the couch. The dress rode up her thighs as she stared up at him in surprise and he wasn’t helping much as he pressed one hard thigh between hers.

“Oh, Terrie,” he said, his voice soft, filled with dark longing. “I’m more than ready for you to be a woman. But are you really ready to be my woman?”

He didn’t give her a chance to answer. His lips came down on hers in a kiss that sizzled Terrie from her head to her toes. Her hands clenched his shoulders as she fought to keep her senses from reeling, but there was no escaping the firestorm he ignited inside her.

His big hands framed her face, pushing into her hair, holding her still as his tongue invaded her mouth with decadent hunger. It swirled around her own, tempting her, teasing her as it stroked in and out, mimicking a much more earthy, sexual act.

She arched in his arms, helpless now, gorging herself on the pleasure his lips and tongue bestowed as he dominated the kiss. His head tilted, his lips slanting against hers as he groaned deeply into her mouth and one hand moved to cup the fullness of her breast.

Terrie stilled. Was she too large, as Thomas had sworn?

Before the thought was finished Jesse had lowered the zipper in the back of the dress, drawing it slowly down her shoulders as his lips moved to her neck, his breathing rough, heavy, as he began to blaze a path to her right breast.

“Jesse,” she whispered his name as she fought to breathe. The sensations rocking through her body were intense, mind destroying, and he hadn’t even truly done anything yet.

“Damn.” He paused at the cup of her bra, breathing hard and heavy as he so obviously fought for a control she didn’t want him to hold onto. “Terrie. Not like this,” he whispered, but his fingers stroked over her nipple, causing her to arch in exquisite need.

“Why?” Fear beat at her with razor-sharp talons. “What did I do wrong, Jesse?”

His head rose slowly. The look on his face had her thighs clenching, her vagina spilling more of its liquid heat in a primal demand. His cheeks were sensually flushed, his eyes a brilliant dark green and as hot as lust itself.

“You do too many things right.” He tried to laugh, but it sounded more like a strained groan, Terrie thought.

His gaze went to the flesh of her upper breast, his fingers stroking over it almost regretfully as he looked back up at her.

“You know what will happen,” he whispered. “I don’t want to hurt you, Terrie. I care too much for you to ever want to hurt you. But you know what I’ll want.”

“And only your wants matter?” she asked him.

He shook his head as he moved away from her quickly, as though if he didn’t do it then, he never would. She sat up more slowly, watching as he stared down at her, breathing hard, heavy.

“No, Terrie, that’s not all that matters,” he informed her impatiently. “If it were, then I’d be in your bed now instead of fighting an erection that never seems to go away.”

Her gaze flickered to his hips. She fought to breathe. Nope, there was no hiding that. It was thick and long, pressing demandingly against his slacks.

“Dammit, you should at least act scared,” he growled as he sat down carefully in the large chair across from the couch.

“I’m not frightened of you, Jesse.” She allowed a smile to tilt her lips as she straightened her dress then reached back to pull the zipper back into place.

She was very much aware of Jesse watching every move she made as she arched to grip the small tab and draw it up slowly.