
“The fact of the matter is, it’s Kimberly’s life in jeopardy, Jared,” his mother continued to speak behind him. “I’ve managed to convince William Lance, the head of the Secret Service, of my plan. He in turn has convinced her father that this is the only course they can take in protecting both of you. I didn’t think you would want this left to strangers.”

The mist was rising along the mountains now, he noticed distantly. Like gentle wisps of fairy dust, easing along the ground. Soon, they would enshroud the land as night took over, bringing an eerie comfort to the darkness.

“How high is the risk?” he finally asked her, keeping his voice carefully even.

“They aren’t certain yet. But you know how these things are. It could be rumor; it could be fact. I didn’t think you would want to take the chance with her life, though.”

Never. There could be no risk.

“How many are on the team with her?” he asked her quietly.

“Four, though two of them are iffy. I attempted to get them pulled, but when William approached her father with the idea he was vetoed out of hand. Their records aren’t as good as I would have preferred.”

He nodded slowly. “I have several of the men who were with me in the Forces working here. I’ll pull them in to the house and set up safeguards. As for the men on Kimber’s team, I’ll need their records as well as any intel on them.”

“I have everything with me,” she said, smiling back at him gently as he turned to face her. “Do you have any idea how much you remind me of your father when you stare off like that?” she asked him fondly. “He solved his most difficult problems here on this porch.”

Her voice echoed with the memories.

“He solved most of mine out here, too,” he sighed. Damn, he could have used his father’s advice now.

Jared rubbed his neck tiredly. He had returned from Texas that morning to find his mother awaiting him with the news that Kimberly’s safety could possibly be in danger and the plan she had set in motion to protect her.

“Does Madison know you’re behind William’s brilliant plan?” he asked her suspiciously. He had a feeling the Senator only knew what Carolyn wanted him to know.

She smiled serenely. “Daniel might not approve of you marrying his daughter, but he’s very well informed of your qualifications to protect her.” Not exactly an answer, but he knew that tone of voice well. He wasn’t going to get any more out of her.

“And how much does Kimberly know?” he asked her.

“That she’s to protect you, the team is to protect both of you. It’s simply a matter of protecting two birds with one shield so to speak. You are aware of the budget crunch the government is in the middle of, dear. Cost effectiveness is a major consideration.”

He snorted at that one.

“When does she arrive?” He needed time to go over the information his mother had brought with her and get his own plans in place.

“She’s leaving D.C. this evening. They should arrive here at the farm by morning. Kimberly is less than pleased with the assignment as I understand it, but I’m certain she’ll settle in nicely.”

Jared cast her suspicious look. “Are you sure there’s nothing you’re leaving out here, Mother?” Carolyn Raddington was as sharp as a dagger when the need presented itself, and he could clearly glimpse the sharp edges in the cultured, cool tones of her voice.

She watched him with a gleam of laughter in her eyes as her lips curved at the corners in a sedate smile. “I’ve told you everything I know, Jared,” she said soothingly, causing him to wince. Damn, he knew there was something she was holding back now. The only thing he was confident of was that it would be personal information, rather than anything he needed to keep Kimberly safe.

He faced her, resignation filling him now. He had stayed away from Kimberly, just as he had known he should, and now, for some reason, they were being thrown together in such a way that keeping his distance would be impossible.

The need for her was eating him alive. He tasted her kiss on his lips, could smell the sweet scent of her on the air around him. And at night, when he should be sleeping, he was stroking the tormented length of his c**k instead, fighting to ease the hunger racking him. He hadn’t been back to The Club, even though he had a job to do there. He didn’t think he had enough control to restrain himself if he found Kimberly there again.

“Are you staying all night?” he asked her as he opened the kitchen door for her and stood aside.

“Not this time,” she said, her voice soothing, compassionate. “I need to get back to D.C. by morning. I have a luncheon I can’t miss.”

He shook his head. His mother had her fingers in too many organizations and charities for him to keep track of. She was a political dynamo, and he hoped Madison realized the gem he had in her. If Carolyn had her way, she would see the Senator standing in the Presidential wings. He just hoped she knew what the hell she was doing.

He escorted her to the front of the house and out to the limo awaiting her. Kissing her cheek, he saw her into the back of the car and watched as she rode away. She had brought the seeds of his destruction with the information on Kimberly and the threat endangering her. God help them both, he didn’t know how the hell he was going to keep his hands off her.

Chapter Five

“Matthews, you and Adams have days, Lowell and Danford can take nights,” Kimberly informed the four men as they were escorted by Jared’s housekeeper to their individual rooms. The men were downstairs, Kimberly was upstairs. Right next door to Jared.

“Will do, Kimberly.” David Matthews nodded his dark head solemnly, his puppy dog eyes smiling back at her. “Lighten up, we shouldn’t be here long. Raddington doesn’t seem the type to really like company.”