Rule Breaker(6)

She heard the words and he probably meant them. But he was so brave, and just like that Breed with those bright, bright blue eyes who had shot the Coyote, Grody, he was strong, and he knew how to protect everyone.

Even stupid, weak little girls who didn’t know how to stay home instead of risking everyone they loved.

She didn’t deserve his protection.

She didn’t deserve anyone’s protection.


Jonas eased back to his seat on the crate and watched her sadly.

“They love Mark so much, just like I do. And I got him killed. It was my fault that the Breed used that knife—”

She broke off, shaking so hard he wondered how she was remaining in one place.

Rising, Jonas moved far enough from her that he could get the reports he knew were coming in.

He wondered if the shock would build in this child until she had her wish and she just went to sleep forever.

Hell, he’d grieve himself if this brave, broken little girl ceased to exist.

And should that happen, at least one Breed would surely suffer for it.

This grieving child would be far more to the Breed society than even she imagined if his hunch was correct.

Jonas turned and met one of the independent contractors who often fought alongside the Breeds, waiting for his report.

“Mercury just called from the McQuade residence,” Simon Quatres reported. “Rogue Breeds hit McQuade’s house at the same time this group ran Khileen’s car off the road. Mercury and his men found video and audio devices in his room and at his workstation in the living room. Grody and his men knew who they were coming for, and where he was. Nothing could have kept this from happening. And if she had been in the house, we’d have never found out in time to get to her.”

A low, all-but-silent little whimper reached his sharp ears then. A cry he was certain the girl was unaware she had even made.

“Where’s that f**king doctor?” he questioned Lawe as the enforcer moved quickly toward him. “That kid’s going to die of grief if he doesn’t get here soon and give her something.”

“They make drugs to cure grief now, boss?” Simon asked, his voice low and resonating with the same aching regret they all felt for her pain. “Can I have some?”

“Lobo’s having the doctor flown in now,” Lawe Justice assured him. “He should be here within the next five minutes. Rule’s been outside coordinating our people and taking care of her brother. Reever’s men are taking care of disposing of the Council’s rogue Coyotes. One of them is still alive, though,” he said, his voice lowered to carry no farther. “The guard who was at the front of the cave. Swears he’s the one who contacted us and led us here after they took the McQuade girl.”

Jonas’s eyes narrowed. “How did he survive?” He knew that damned Coyote had taken a laser blast to his chest.

“Reinforced laser-resistant Kevlar,” Lawe answered. “Seems he wasn’t into suicide tonight, were his words I believe. Swears he has video and that he tried to delay McQuade’s death and says you’ll know him. Grody wasn’t just here for the Council either, according to this Coyote. He was paid by a human to make certain McQuade and his sister both died tonight.”

“And he has video?” Jonas mused.

Lawe gave a sharp, brief nod.

“What’s his name?”

“Goes by Loki,” Lawe answered. “But his brother, a full brother, is one of the Council’s best trackers and assassins, Farce.”

Jonas’s lips curled at the name. “He’s not their best, he’s their luckiest.” Then he sighed. “Damn, I didn’t know Loki was in the area, though.”

“You know him?” Lawe questioned, his eyes narrowing.

He knew him, Jonas thought with a sigh, and he should have known to expect him here.

“He’s one of ours,” Jonas confirmed. “As damnedably stubborn and hardheaded as he is, he’s one of ours.”

Lawe’s eyes widened. “Rule’s beating the f**k out of one of ours, then . . .”