Rule Breaker(17)

She almost flinched.

“What the hell has he done?” Her eyes went wide, disbelief and confusion smacking her brain as the depth of Cullen’s anger finally registered. “For God’s sake, Cullen, since when am I responsible for what some crazed Breed does?”

“Are you sleeping with him?” he bit out again. “So help me, Gypsy, if this is because of a damned lover’s spat—”

“I’m not sleeping with him!” she informed him, outraged. “God, I’ve barely spoken to him.”

Hell, she couldn’t sleep with anyone. It was killing her.

What Breaker did was catch her gaze across a room, he wasn’t picky which one, and she swore he was mentally f**king her at those times.

Taking her.

Pushing into her.

He made all her little feminine parts just perk right up and start prepping for the invasion.

Damned feminine parts.

“Then what the f**k is his problem?” Turning, he stalked to his chair, throwing himself into it as he continued to glare at her. “The man has been in every bar, nightclub and dive, legal and otherwise, and actually managed to crash too many f**king parties looking for your ass for the past week. Get him off the radar, Gypsy.”

Get him off the radar?

She stared at him, wide eyed. “What does he want? God, Cullen, we’ve barely spoken. He flirts a little. His buddy, that damned Vanderale heir they’ve let run amok, pays more attention to me than Breaker does.”

“I don’t f**king care what he wants,” he informed her furiously. “Get your ass out there tonight, Gypsy, and by God give it to him, or find a way to make him stop wanting it. Either way, get him off the f**king radar before someone decides to find out why one little party girl is so MIA that even the Breeds can’t find her.”

She stifled a groan.

The Commander was hot as hell. He did things to her libido that should be outlawed. That didn’t mean she had time for this. No matter how eager certain other parties were for her to establish a closer, though nonsexual, relationship with him.

This was just uncalled for, though. She was tired. She wanted to sleep.

“Cullen . . .”

“Don’t Cullen me.” As he jackknifed in his seat, his glare took on a whole new meaning as pure fury glittered in his eyes and deepened his voice. “Get it done. Tonight. Or kiss this little side job of yours good-bye. You’ll definitely be relegated to the damned phones, on midnight shift, for the next year if it’s not taken care of. Now.”


She really wanted to sleep tonight.

But she really, really liked her little side job too, dammit.

“Fine, tonight,” she muttered, wondering what the hell had happened to her little world while she was gone. “But I don’t see how any of this is my damned fault. I didn’t do anything.”

“You’re not five,” he pointed out sarcastically.

“Then stop reminding me of what it felt like to be blamed when I didn’t do it,” she informed him pointedly. “I was hoping to sleep tonight.”

“Sleep after you get that damned Breed off your ass.”

“I didn’t invite him to get on it, Cullen,” she protested, heading to the door.

“You did something,” he grumbled. “Whatever you did, fix it. Reject him, kiss him, f**k him, I don’t give a shit and don’t want to know about it. But make him go away.”

She slammed the door on the last order.

Dammit, she really wanted to sleep.