Rule Breaker(116)

She could smell him all over her. That man-and-midnight-storm scent with a hint of peppermint and chocolate. Hell, she was starting to crave chocolate because of him.

She really needed to convince herself she hated him. That was what she needed to do. Maybe then that mating hormone stuff would just go away and leave her alone. Because right now, it was making its presence known by sensitizing her clit and the inner muscles of her sex in a way that was highly distracting.

She had things to do today. She didn’t have time to lie around in bed with a crazy Breed.

He had to be crazed. What other explanation could there be for him jumping away from her as though she were diseased two nights before, then spending two days canvassing the Navajo Nation in his search for her.

Crazy-ass, that was what he was.

And those eyes.

As she flipped on the shower and adjusted the temperature, a shiver raced through her at the memory of his eyes. The whites hadn’t existed. His entire eye had turned blue with the exception of the black, center pupil. Like a lion. Like a predator.

It was damned sexy . . . no, it wasn’t sexy, it was damned freaky, she amended furiously.

Collecting the items needed for her shower, she stepped beneath the stinging spray, lowered her head and let the water beat down on her.

She wanted to cry now. She hadn’t cried in nine years, and she wasn’t going to start now because it sure as hell wouldn’t help. It didn’t solve anything. It would just make her head hurt. And the last thing she needed was another headache. The man lying in the bed in the other room was enough headache for any woman.

Washing her hair quickly before conditioning the long mass of dark brown strands, Gypsy tried to keep her mind off the ache her body was turning into, and on the rest of the day instead.

It was late afternoon.

She had a meeting scheduled with her parents at their home office regarding that stupid contract they were signing with the Bureau of Breed Affairs. Jonas had announced that the new office would be opening but had held back the news that an assistant director and several liaisons had already been appointed.

That announcement was supposed to come after the initial phase of introducing Rule, Malachi and Stygian to the business community in the tri-county area had been accomplished.

Her mother already had a schedule outlined that was guaranteed to strip Gypsy of the last of her patience where Rule was concerned.

Rinsing the suds from her body as she turned beneath the spray, she was somehow not surprised to come to a hard stop as her shoulder hit the immovable obstacle that stepped into the shower with her.

“Showering without me?” Rich, normal blue eyes stared down at her as steamy water sluiced over the hard-muscled, darkly tanned flesh of his body.

God, he was almost a work of art.

There wasn’t an ounce of fat on his body. The power beneath the tough flesh was obvious, just as the intelligence that gleamed in his eyes couldn’t be missed.

“I would love to.” Her smile was tight and she knew it.

She didn’t want a confrontation while she was naked, but that gleam in his eyes assured her that he didn’t mind at all.

Rivulets of water curled around his neck, running in narrow streams down his body as her gaze tracked them. They curled over and around the heavy width of his erection before falling down his powerful legs.

Not that she bothered to follow the path along his legs. Her gaze stopped on the heavily veined shaft spearing out from his body. The heavy throb of blood beneath the flesh matched the pulse evident in the flared crest that pointed demandingly toward her.

His c**k screamed intent. Throbbing beneath her gaze, clenching as she licked her lips nervously, it was a temptation she really needed to refuse.

She might play the seductress, but as Rule knew, until two nights before, she’d never been with a man. She hadn’t gone parking, she hadn’t almost had sex, she hadn’t been a false virgin with the experience to please a man to any point.

But God help her, all she wanted to do was fill her mouth with the fierce throb of the stiffly engorged, flared crest of his cock. She wanted to lick it. Suck it. She wanted to feel it throbbing like that on her tongue just before he began f**king her mouth because he wanted her so bad he couldn’t control the urge to do so.

She’d dreamed of that more than once since seeing him for the first time.

A moan whispered through the air around her as she felt his thumb and the side of his finger grip her nipple, tugging at it, tightening on the nubbin of flesh with a firm strength that sent shards of sensation racing straight to her pu**y.

What the hell was she doing?

Licking her lips again, she obeyed the need that had her lowering herself to her knees, losing the pleasure attacking her nipple for a pleasure she couldn’t deny herself.