Navarro's Promise(93)

She was cursed.

Cursed to see what she should never see, and cursed to live with the consequences.

But could she live with the consequences of not reaching her dearest friend on time? It wasn’t possible.

“Mike and Serena are pulling in,” her father said quietly. “Are you sure this is a good idea, Cassie?”

Cassie nodded. “But we need to tell Mike she’s mated Navarro.”

“Uh, Cass, sweetie,” her mother said from beside her, “are you sure of that?”

Cassie breathed in deeply. “I’m certain, Mom. But I think Uncle Mike has suspected all along.”

She knew he had. Like Cassie, Mike had watched Mica and Navarro dance around each other like prizefighters in a ring. They flirted, watched each other when the other wasn’t looking, and if one was sensitive enough, then they could have caught the swirled air around the two like a gathering storm.

It was impossible to miss if one wanted to look for it, and Mike Toler adored his child. Mica was his baby. He watched the men that came around her. All of them. And he was as suspicious as hell.

Oh yes, he already suspected the truth, but it was a truth he needed to know before he was forced to see.

That is, if they reached Sanctuary before it was too late.

Her hands tightened where she held them politely in her lap. She was terrified and she admitted it. She could feel it; the darkness that had been hovering around Mica for so many months was finally coming to a head.

The danger, the men who had watched her, waited, certain they could use her for whatever their schemes were.

Cassie couldn’t allow that to happen.

If she did nothing else in her life, then she had to save Mica. Mica and the beautiful little boy she was carrying, even now.


Mica wasn’t surprised that she didn’t see Navarro when she awoke the next morning. But she did find his note. There were security matters to take care of and he would see her later when she came to the labs for the daily hormonal tests.

She had to smile as she stretched, feeling the pleasurable little aches in her muscles as contentment warmed every corner of her being. Only one small cloud darkened that contentment, the fact that Navarro was no doubt dealing with the dark evil being held in those labs. That had to be the security matter. Unless Jonas was hiding more monsters in the basement. Which wouldn’t surprise her in the least.

In this case though, it was Brandenmore.

Mica shuddered at the memory as she followed one of the female Feline Breeds from her suite to the elevator later that morning to meet with Dr. Morrey. Today though, it wouldn’t be the lack of hormones they discussed. She knew that today the whispers of Navarro beating mating heat would stop.

An anomaly, Ely had called it. That anomaly was well and truly gone, and she didn’t expect it to ever show its ugly head again.

He was her mate, but even more importantly, she was his. Finally, that lost, empty place inside her was gone.

Now she just had to deal with today’s tests, and hopefully, she would get out of the labs without having to deal with the stench of the decay Jonas was housing there.

Phillip Brandenmore. The pharmaceutical research giant that had been suspected of using Breeds for over fifty years in his research for many of his more lucrative drugs. A man who had been aligned with the Genetics Council from birth, taking over his father’s position within it and funding it as well as using the Breeds as guinea pigs.

And now karma was a bitch. He may have what he had searched for most of his life, but he sure as hell wasn’t enjoying it. He was a hell of a lot younger than he was supposed to be, and he was completely insane. His health was perfect, but his mind was slowly turning to mush.

And it was no more than he deserved, though, the thought of anyone suffering as she’d heard he suffered was a horrendous thought to her. Still, she knew he had been the cause of so many Breeds suffering. So many he had murdered in the name of science, destroyed for his own personal gain and used simply because he could use them.

The reports of his death had been no more than a lie Jonas Wyatt had perpetuated to allow him to keep the man in the cells beneath Sanctuary, but after what she had seen, she couldn’t imagine anyone blaming him for it.

Brandenmore was a fruitcake. Even worse, he was a very dangerous fruitcake.

“Ely’s been really busy this afternoon,” said the Lioness that escorted her to the examination room, watching curiously as Mica took her seat on the gurney. “She’s currently arguing with Jonas over security protocols.” An almost shy smile tugged at the gamine-like features of the enforcer as she brushed back a stray strand of auburn hair from the braid it was confined in. “Sometimes even Dr. Ely wins.”

“I have no doubt.” Mica gave a small laugh of acknowledgment.