Navarro's Promise(75)

A cold shower didn’t help.

A hot shower didn’t help.

And she wasn’t even about to try mast***ation, no matter how badly she needed to.

Walking from the bathroom, a robe wrapped around her, no one could have been more shocked than she was when the door was shoved open, the panel crashing against the wall as she froze and stared at Navarro in shock.

He stepped in and slammed the door closed before turning the lock.

Mica blinked.

He looked . . . different.

The sensual Asian features of his face were suddenly sharper, his eyes darker and gleaming with surprising, shocking hunger. A physical need that matched her own, that could even threaten to surpass it.

Staring across the room at him, her gaze locked by his, held by it, Mica found herself unable to break that invisible line, the hold those deep black eyes had on her.

She could feel that touch inside her. It wrapped around her clit, tightened her womb and the tender tips of her ni**les. A ghostly caress raced up her arms, stroked across her swollen br**sts. It was like being wrapped in the most incredible heat. For the first time since the mating had begun, Mica actually felt as though there was more flowing between them than just his lust and the love she had fought to keep hidden for so long.

“What do you want?” She shook her head as she tried to shake off the dazed, drugging hunger flowing through her now. Before, it had just been heat. It had been lust. Now it was something more.

Something had changed. She could see it in his face, in the ink black of his eyes and the violent tension raging in his body.

Her breathing escalated, her br**sts rising and falling heavily as the blood began pumping hot and wild through her body.

“Mica, are you okay?” Her gaze jerked to the door as the sound of Josiah’s concerned voice came through the panel. “Just say something, baby. I’ll get Callan and Dane, Mica. You don’t have to let him touch you.”

Mica blinked again, shock resounding through her at not just the tone of Josiah’s overly familiar words, but also the offer and the suggestion that Navarro would somehow demand something she wasn’t willing to give.

For a moment, she wondered when she had managed to step outside reality into this perverse

”almost” world and the Breeds she was facing now because of it.

“Would you like to tell me what’s going on?” she asked as Navarro’s head turned, his teeth snapping at the closed door in a completely un-recessed-Breed-like way.

What had happened to the icy, determined-to-walkaway Breed she had seen that morning?

“Josiah wants to die.” Navarro turned back to her, a tight smile curving his lips as his eyes narrowed on her. “I hope he wrote out his will. I heard he had some impressive art hidden away.” This time, the smile showed teeth. “He even offered me a piece if he died. He didn’t say how he had to die, and I think I’m ready to collect.”

“Not a chance, Navarro,” Josiah snapped from the other side.

Mica licked her lips nervously, then her breath caught at the expression that appeared on his face. If the savagery reflected there was anything to go by, then Navarro was definitely going to attempt to collect that piece of art.

“I want that hot little tongue on my body,” his voice grumbled. “I want to feel it stroking my dick, Mica.

Licking it like a favorite treat as you go down on me.”

So explicit, and so sexually exciting she nearly orgasmed where she stood.

Her gaze went down; the bulge at his thighs, heavy and engorged beneath his jeans, was impossible to miss. The effect of his words and the image implanted in her mind were impossible to resist.

His c**k was so thick it would fill her mouth. It would be hot, throbbing against her tongue, rubbing against it as he f**ked past her lips. Would it be hard thrusts? Would he do it with deliberate, controlled strokes? How much more could he make her want him?

She had a feeling it would be a hell of a lot more.

“That sounds interesting,” she whispered breathlessly, refusing to allow herself to melt beneath the power of the arousal rushing through her. At least, not quite yet. “Do I get the same in return?”

She wanted that and so much more. His tongue on her pu**y, stroking over her flesh.