Navarro's Promise(65)

Still, Mica couldn’t stop the grin that tugged at her lips, and she wasn’t the only one. Ely seemed to be struggling with her own amusement.

How strange was that? Her clit was throbbing like a toothache, her vagina clenching to the point that it was nearly spasming, while her womb felt as though it were on fire, and still, two women could find a way and a reason to inject a little filthy humor into the situation.

“God!” She lowered her head, her eyes closing as she whispered miserably, “I can’t beg him, Ely.”

Lifting her lashes, she stared back at the doctor. “And I’m not far from it.”

“I’ve tried to develop a hormonal therapy for you.” Ely sighed roughly as she pulled the small stool from the edge of the gurney to her and sat down, facing Mica compassionately. “But there are too many anomalies to the tests, and I haven’t been able to isolate enough of the mating hormone to develop a therapy that will aid it.”

Mica wondered if she could get the good doctor to speak in English.

“Maybe if you repeat that very very slowly and enunciate clearly, I might understand it,” Mica stated wearily. “That, or use layman’s terms?”

“There isn’t enough of the mating hormone in Navarro’s saliva, blood or se**n to have a base to begin testing a hormone therapy that will be effective. I’m sorry, Mica. I’ve never seen anything like this in all the years we’ve been testing for mates. It’s not the first anomaly, just the first one of its kind. This seems to be a year for Mother Nature to screw around with Breed hormonal reactions and mating heat.”

Not enough mating hormone?

Mica struggled to make sense of the words.

“So, Navarro isn’t a walking hard-on this morning,” she whispered.

Ely shook her head. “Yesterday, yes. The day before, definitely. But somewhere in the past twenty-four hours the emotion-based hormones that drive the mating heat seem to have begun disappearing from his system. They’ve become amplified within yours though, driven and made stronger by whatever emotions you keep bottled inside you.” Her gaze was somber. “I am so sorry, Mica, that it had to be you who seems to be proving my theories that the mating heat reacts in large part to the emotions, both conscious and subconscious, of the mates involved.”

“So Navarro has no emotions.” She felt blank inside. As though everything she knew about herself and the world had been stripped away from her overnight.

“I’m certain he has emotions,” Ely said, her voice soft. “But I know his creation, his training. He was trained to annihilate even a suspicion of any emotions beyond hatred. And he would have succeeded perhaps, if it weren’t for the fact Navarro wasn’t raised entirely at the labs. He was there during the rescues by choice, Mica. An attempt to save his brother and his brother’s mate before the scientists there learned of the mating. Navarro was taken from the labs by his grandparents.”

“Morton and Elsie Blaine.” Mica remembered them. She’d actually seen them from a distance a few times when they had come to Haven to see Navarro.

“Yes.” Ely nodded. “After the age of ten, he was raised by his grandparents. Unfortunately, he had a Counciltrained nanny. And that nanny was a monster, as was the butler the Council managed to get into the Blaine household. Navarro didn’t have a chance to develop the emotions that were bred out of him, Mica. The fact that he’s as compassionate as he is is surprising.”

The Blaines’ daughter had been kidnapped by the Council and used as a breeder. Navarro and Randal were a result of that union, but the Council refused to allow Morton and Elsie to buy Randal as they allowed them to buy his twin, Navarro. They had never seen their other grandson before he was killed during the rescues.

Randal had been their insurance against the Blaines striking back at them.

And Mica believed they would have. Morton Blaine might not have been able to destroy them, but with his financial empire and the powerful friends and favors he had gained over the years, he could have hurt them, if nothing else.

That, or destroyed all the Breeds by making sure the world learned of them in a more threatening light than had occurred with Callan Lyons announcing their presence.

“So, simply put, he realized he might be beginning to feel something for me, and destroyed it?” Mica asked with bitter sarcasm.

Ely nodded hesitantly as Mica felt her chest clench with the hurt that suddenly exploded inside her, which even she couldn’t hide.

She swore she saw Ely flinch as well as the emotion struck through Mica’s soul, rending it in half.

“So Navarro is no longer in mating heat?”

Once again Ely nodded. “All but the smallest traces of the hormone are gone from his system.”

Mica’s fists clenched around the edge of the thick pad beneath her as she fought the need to rock in agony.

A distant part of her couldn’t believe the horrendous pain welling inside her now. It was like a wildfire, sucking the life out of everything in its path.

“And that leaves me where?”

“A mate, without a mate,” Ely stated, her voice incredibly gentle, her brown eyes filled with pity.

She pitied her. Ely was watching her and feeling sorry for her, Mica thought.