Mercury's War(8)

"If you break any more furniture in this office," Ria looked around the room, speaking before Mercury could, "then Callan may begin limiting you on your office account. I was going over the office supply records just last week. It appears that in six months this office was refurbished with two different walnut coffee tables, as well as a very sturdy metal one. You've lost three secretaries in one year, and the glass in your apartment has been replaced twice. You have quite a temper, don't you, sir?"

"Or something." His smile was tight.

Ria waited for the truth as he stared her down. She knew the truth. The windows in his apartment were due to several attempts on his life. The metal coffee table had taken an uncontained blast from an explosive that had slipped past their security, a highly advanced explosive. The two wooden tables had most likely been temper, though.

Finally, she allowed her gaze to flicker, as though she understood his alpha position. He hadn't researched her enough. She didn't even bow down to Dane.

"Very well." She breathed in deeply. "I truly don't wish to antagonize you. But it's best that we know up front why I'm here. It's my job to determine if the funds Sanctuary receives should continue, be raised, reduced or halted all together. It's your job to make certain I have complete access to all your files involving any purchases, payments, contracts or outside services provided by Sanctuary in both electronic and hard-copy form. I'd like to get to work tomorrow if you don't mind."

She bent, picked up her coffee and sipped at it as she crossed her knees and waited.

He was obviously restraining his snarl, while Mercury was watching her with a flash of amusement in his eyes.

Jonas, unfortunately, was too much like Dane. Unfortunately for him, because Ria had learned how to deal with Dane years before. She received bling in the form of jewels from around the world in payment for allowing him to manipulate her. And he did so manipulate her.

She smiled back at Jonas. "I'm really a very nice person. Plenty of coffee helps."

Mercury snorted. Jonas glared back at her.

"Dane Vanderale is behind this, isn't he?" He lifted his lip in a sneer. "That's why the Leo is suddenly so interested in how his money is being spent."

Ria frowned. "The Leo cannot be manipulated, Mr. Wyatt. Once you get to know him, you'll learn that." Perhaps the hard way, just as Dane often did.

Jonas was suspicious, though, and that did not bode well for Dane. Or for her. Leo wouldn't fire her, but boy, would he make sure she'd wish he'd done something so humane as simply firing her.

Leo knew her. He knew how to guilt her. And he could use it with shocking strength.

"What exactly do you need?" Jonas asked her from between clenched teeth.

"As I stated, hard-copy and/or electronic-copy information regarding purchases, contracts, sales or negotiations concerning those. The only things I don't require on individual Breeds are lab files or sensitive mission reports. Anything concerning the business of Sanctuary should be made available to me."

"And this will take you how long?" he snapped out.

Regret shimmered inside her, because she knew she was close to antagonizing him, perhaps making an enemy of him. And he did remind her so much of Dane. She was very fond of Dane, even if he was a manipulating, calculating coldhearted male for convincing her to come here.

The Leo was going to kill them both, but the danger Sanctuary faced terrified her. She looked from Jonas to Mercury and let her demeanor soften marginally.

"Hopefully, not too long," she told him. "Truly, Mr. Wyatt, making an enemy of you isn't my wish, but neither is it something that will sway me in my job. Though, I promise you, the viability of Sanctuary does mean something to me, as well as to Leo and Dane. I'm not here to risk your safety, I'm here to gather the information. All I need is your cooperation. No matter my determination, I know Leo and Dane will be willing to work with Sanctuary to continue the relationship Sanctuary does enjoy with Vanderale."

Even if they were leaking money like a sieve, Leo would never contemplate cutting them off. Sanctuary could leak till hell froze over and he would still pour money into it. But that wasn't the case. It wasn't money that was leaking, it was something much more vital.

"You'll have what you need." Jonas stood to his feet. "In the morning."

She rose as well, aware of Mercury straightening also.

"I look forward to it." She set her coffee on the table and extended her hand once more. "It's been a pleasure meeting you."

He shook her hand firmly, but he didn't strengthen his grip; he didn't attempt to show her his strength, and her estimation of him rose. Because she knew he was furious.

"Mercury, show her back to her cabin. You, Lawe and Rule will be her personal security. Make sure no one kills her. Because she doesn't seem to care much about her own welfare today. And she's to be in Ely's lab in the morning for testing."

Ria paused. "There will be no testing, Mr. Wyatt. I supplied the necessary samples before my arrival. There will be no more given."

He paused and stared back at her, a muscle ticking at his jaw before he smiled tightly. "You do like to play with fire, don't you, Ms. Rodriquez?"

She let a light laugh escape her throat as she looked up at him. "Mr. Wyatt, Dane often says that's exactly what I do best. I think my mother accused me of it several times as well. But you'll find I'm truly not the enemy."

"I don't consider women my enemies." He shrugged and in his quick smile she could see the charm he was capable of. "Combatants maybe."