Mercury's War(24)

"Your ni**les are blushing," he whispered. "I can see that pretty pink reddening, baby. Just like they're going to redden for my mouth. My tongue. My teeth."

His teeth.

Ria jerked against him at the thought of his teeth rasping over the tender tips. Oh, she wanted that. She wanted it so desperately she was on fire for it now. Her hips bucked against the table, rubbing her clit harder against the friction as another moan broke free of her lips.

The camera. Remember the camera.

"I'm going to f**k you, Ria. I'm going to rip those panties off your body and push every f**king inch of my c**k up your pu**y at once. I want to hear you scream. I want the pleasure to be so hard and so fast you can't fight it. That all you can do is come for it."

The primal, feral growl sent erotic fear chasing through her. She could feel him beneath his pants, thick and long, and she knew she would scream when he took her. Scream and beg for more because she knew nothing had felt as good as his c**k f**king into her would feel.

She tightened her grip on her nipple, feeling the building sensations in her clit, knowing that her orgasm was coming closer by the second. She ached for it. Hungered for it. If she didn't have it . . .

The thunder echoing in her ears made no sense at first. She felt Mercury jerk behind her, heard his feral, "Fuck no." Then realized exactly what it was.

Dr. Morrey's voice called from outside the door. "Mercury, I need you in my office when you have time, please. Lawe can watch Ms. Rodriquez. Are you in there?"

"Oh. My. God. Oh God. Let me go," she hissed as he jerked back.

Her fingers fumbled with her bra as she heard the low, growling curse behind her. Reclipping it had never been so hard. She could feel the frantic fear pounding as hard through her veins now as the lust had seconds before.

"Mercury, are you there?" The doorknob rattled. When the hell had he locked the door?

"Just a minute, Ely," he snarled.

Ria felt a heated flush suffuse her body at the sound of his voice. There was no way to mistake the lust, the hunger, in it. Hell, the good doctor had probably been watching every second of the heated foreplay on the cameras. Dammit. This wasn't good. This was mortifying.

She finally managed to straighten her clothes and retuck her shirt into her skirt, keeping her back to Mercury.

"Ria." She felt him approach.

Dammit, she felt him approach. The heat of his body wrapped around her, infusing her arousal, making her eyes dampen with emotion, with the need for his touch.

"Go." She held her hand up, praying it would forestall his advance. "See what she wants. Leave me the hell alone, Merc. Just f**king go."

Seconds later she heard the snick of the door closing as he did just that.

He left.

* * *

Tests. Blood. Saliva. Semen.

The animal retreated carefully into its mental burrow, restraining the need to roar out its fury at being taken so abruptly from the pleasure consuming it.

So many years it had been alone, sleeping that pain-filled sleep and aching for warmth. Now the warmth was here, and pushing the man to revel in it rather than deny it took all the animal's concentration.

It had to move carefully, to open the layers of the man's hunger in only small degrees at a time to avoid suspicion. But it hadn't been careful enough. It should have known the situation was too dangerous, but the man had weakened with his lust. He ached and hungered for what was his alone, and the beast slipped free, thinking it could stay hidden within the shadows of the man's lust.

If it weren't careful, the animal knew it would be revealed. It couldn't risk exposure. They might put it to sleep again, and it wasn't strong enough yet to survive a second round of the horrific chains that bound it in a sleep that wracked it with agony.

It had to hide. Just a little while longer it had to hide. At least until no eyes watched, and no scientists took their hated samples to find it. Until it was alone with the sweet soft scent of its mate.


"Everything okay, Doc?" Mercury pulled his black mission shirt back over his head and stared back at Elyiana Morrey as she stored another vial of his blood in her little carrier.

They called her the Vampire of Sanctuary. Every time a Breed turned around, she was standing there with her little blood-collecting necessities staring at them with those soft brown puppy-dog eyes. A Feline female shouldn't have puppy-dog eyes, but this one did.