Lion's Heat(97)

She lay where he placed her, her eyes closed, the strap of her bra hanging from one shoulder. He must have torn her panties again and hadn't realized it, because only a shred of them was lying on her thighs. Her stockings were ruined. She was missing a shoe.

Jonas grinned. She was a wildcat that had turned into an exhausted little kitten.

Carefully, he eased from the bed before striding to the bathroom and collecting a damp cloth and dry towel. Returning to the bed, he undressed her gently, tossing the last remaining articles of clothing to the floor before cleaning her with a tenderness he hadn't known he was capable of.

He had always been gentle with Rachel, but now, he stroked her, petted her, cleaned the perspiration and sensual excess from her body before returning to the bathroom and cleaning himself.

When he collapsed into the bed beside her and drew her against his chest, he couldn't stop the purr. He had managed to hold it at bay until now. It rumbled against his chest beneath her cheek, the pure contentment that welled inside him taking voice despite his attempts to hold it back.

A small hum of satisfaction left her lips as he felt her lay a gentle kiss against his flesh. A second later, his wild little mate slipped peacefully into sleep.

Tangled red hair flowed over his chest as he buried his fingers in it. Silken limbs twined with his, holding him to her even as he wrapped his arms around her and held her just as tight.

And for the first time in his entire life, Jonas truly and deeply slept. For the first time, contentment filled him, warmth shattered the ice in his soul, and Jonas became more than a Breed.

He was a mate.


Dawn was peeking over the horizon and found Jonas standing by the large living room window that looked out over the estate house. It was his early morning ritual. Amber was fed, diapered, wrapped in an incredibly soft blanket and staring out over Sanctuary along with Jonas.

He purred. It was a rumble he found he enjoyed. This was a sound of comfort and security, whereas the purr that vibrated in his chest for the baby's mother was stronger, tinged with passion and spiced with heat.

Here, in these moments with Amber, there was no mating heat. This had been the only peace he had found until he had completed the mating with Rachel. As though the child triggered something inside him that eased the heat and instead flooded him with gentleness and the need to protect.

How his life had changed with the appearance of Rachel and their baby. His entire existence had shifted, gone off balance and righted itself in a way he had never expected.

The fingers of sunlight caressed the third story, glistening across the windows and the widow's walk along the roof. He could barely make out the slightest differences between the roof itself and the four Breeds stationed there. He was going to have to have a talk with Callan and Kane about the guards. They had to be completely invisible, even to Breed eyes.

Perhaps it was time he discussed training a new team with Jag, the commander of Ghost Team. Sanctuary could use a few teams with the talents Jag and his Breeds possessed. Jonas knew they were out there; the four men were spreading themselves between the main house and Jonas's cabin.

Or perhaps it was simply time he began using the abilities he was trained for, rather than playing with the ones he had taken as a hobby.

The Bureau wasn't his passion, it was his game. He amused himself with manipulating the politicians, the bigwigs and financial movers and shakers who could be convinced to contribute so heavily to the Breed community.

It was the reason Jonas had slid into the position. It had been easily done. There had been no challenge. And the amusement value was rapidly wearing thin.

He had found in the past months that the position as Bureau director was becoming something he actually believed in, and that was frightening. There had been very few things that Jonas had ever believed in.

Now, looking out over the community the Breeds had created, that he had helped to create, Jonas no longer felt that hollow ache he had always felt before.

He'd wondered for years what he was truly fighting for, the Breeds or simply vengeance for their creation and the cruelty they'd suffered.

Looking down at the child that slept against his chest, he knew now exactly what he was fighting for: this tiny scrap of humanity and her too-delicate mother. The Breeds were free, that was an unending fact, and they would never allow themselves to be imprisoned again. Their mates and their children were in danger now. They were an endangered species, but they had the will to survive.

Narrowing his gaze against the slowly lightening landscape, Jonas drew in a hard breath as he realized time was running out in many ways. With the mating had come realization. Realizations he could no longer ignore.

As he stood there, Erin's Jeep moved slowly up the drive until it drew to a stop in the small parking area Jonas had assigned her.

The babysitter jumped from the Jeep, her hand landing protectively on the butt of the laser pistol, her eyes narrowing as she stared around suspiciously.

She did this every morning. Even if she didn't smell or see Ghost Team, she knew they were there. It wasn't an indication of Jag's lax security or abilities. Rather, it was an indication of the strength of her own abilities. She was a Breed he intended to keep careful watch over.

She was still young; she still had much growing to do. Until then, she was the perfect guard for the baby Jonas claimed as his own. Amber would need a diligent, instinctive guard, because as his child, she would be in nearly as much danger as Cassandra Sinclair was.

Still suspicious, and certain something lurked outside, Erin made her way cautiously to the door, unlocked it and pushed it forward.

Jonas stood back and waited.