Lion's Heat(82)

Lightning-fast, prickling sensations raced from that vulnerable area straight to her pu**y and struck through it like a sensual blow. Her muscles clenched, desperate to be filled. Her clit throbbed, aching for touch.

"Oh God." Violent sensation tore through her vagina, burned with such amazing ecstasy that she found herself breathless, reaching, longing. The shards of pleasure were so intense, so incredible, she fought to close her thighs, to hold on to it forever.

She got a growl in return, a flash of strong white teeth as he pushed her thighs farther apart. Before she could protest, those claws hooked in the band of her panties and the sound of rending cloth echoed around her.

"Oh my God, Jonas." Her head fell back against the wall as she felt his breath against the heated folds, a whisper, a breeze of sensual, erotic hunger, a second before his tongue swiped through her pu**y. Like a loving, luscious stroke of hunger, it delved through the juice-laden slit.

Friction. Just the smallest bite of sandpapery roughness and it nearly sent her over the edge before his head lifted again.

"You taste sweet, so sweet and soft." His voice rasped over her senses.

Lowering his head again, Rachel felt his lips bestow an intimate kiss. He sucked her clit just past his lips, flicked it with his tongue before releasing it. Soft, sucking kisses moved lower. His tongue emerged to tempt and tease, to taste with every little thrust into the folds of saturated flesh.

"I can't stand it," she panted.

She couldn't. Those erotic kisses were making her crazy, making her desperate to feel his c**k press inside her.

Sliding his hands up her thighs, he gently parted the folds with claw-tipped fingers. So gently. The pricks of the sharp tips were another pleasure, a slice of exquisite sensation as he opened her farther, and licked.

He licked her like a treat, relishing every taste he found of her and throwing her senses into chaos.

He growled, the sound vibrating over the entrance to her pu**y as she fought to memorize each touch.

Licking, stroking, his tongue worked through the curl-shrouded folds with hungry demand. It dipped into the entrance, thrust and flicked along the sensitive walls. It drove her into a maelstrom of fiery pleasure so intense she feared she would drown within it.

Returning to the distended, sensitive bud of her clitoris, his tongue curled around it, drew it between his lips and kissed it with slow, devastating movements of his lips as his tongue laved and stroked.

She couldn't believe the complete abandon in his expression, his pleasure as he ate her with decadent hunger. His claws stroked her thighs, giving a hidden element of danger, a reminder of the creature he was, man and animal, and completely devoted to her pleasure. A pleasure so destructive to her heart, her emotions, that she found herself reaching out to him with everything inside her.

She feared she couldn't survive it. Need was such a driving, deepening hunger that it overrode every thought, every instinct other than the one for his possession.

Looking down between her thighs, she watched as his tongue distended and slid through the glistening flesh. Probing, flicking around her clit, a cry tore from her throat at the sensation. Pleasure raced through her. It tingled up her spine, through her nerve endings, sped through her bloodstream until every cell of her body felt flushed with it.

It was too much. She arched, fighting to get closer, her hands gripping her knees as he pushed her legs farther apart and began to devour her with an intensity that hinted at his own desperation.

She hadn't thought it could get better. It did. His tongue pushed inside her, suddenly f**king her pu**y with a demand that kept her poised on the edge of bliss. Each stroke was white-hot; each thrust rasped, tingled, sent a flush of agonizing pleasure tearing through her as it built the ever-increasing fire burning for complete possession.

She needed it all. She needed all of him.

"Jonas, please," she whimpered as she felt his claws stroking up her thighs once again.

Sweat glistened on his brow, his shoulders; a rumbling growl vibrated against her flesh. He drew her clit into his mouth again and began to suckle it. Silver eyes filled with living hunger lifted to hers and threw her over the edge.

It was an edge of complete release. A firestorm swept through her, hurled her through a kaleidoscope of color and had her screaming his name with what little breath she had left.

She was shaking, shuddering, aching, reaching for him. She watched as he rose to his feet, his hands gripping her shoulders to lift her to him.

She wanted more. He'd had his taste of her, devoured her until he destroyed her mind.

It was her turn.

The heavy, thick length of his c**k was before her, the flushed crest dark and broad, branded with firelight, tempting her lips.

Drawing closer, she let her tongue swipe over the head as he tried to pull her to her feet.

He seemed to freeze. As though that lightest touch held him suspended, locked him into place.

He tasted wild, like the mountains themselves. Fresh, invigorating. The dampness of pre-come exploded against her tongue, and with that taste of the mountains was a hint of the cinnamon and cloves that filled the taste of his kiss.