Lion's Heat(34)

The only question was, could he survive it?

As she spread the edges of his shirt apart with deliberate slowness, Jonas had to fight just to breathe as her fingertips raked over his hairless chest.

The fine hairs that covered his body lifted to her fingertips as a ragged groan tore from his body. Just the tips of her fingers were like flames as they stroked over the flexing muscles, rubbed, caressed, rasped his flesh with her small nails.

Jonas felt his claws sink into the leather of the seat by her shoulders. Never had he lost such control. Only during moments of rage did the lethally sharp bonelike matter flex from beneath his flesh.

But never had he known such pleasure, or need, either. It was burning inside him, stealing control, making him so hungry for her kiss that he had to clench his teeth to keep from begging for it as well.

"Your flesh is tough," she whispered as her fingertips rubbed against his pectoral muscles.

"Yours is like silk." And he wasn't even touching her. He knew what it would feel like, sensed it from the touch of her hands.

"Jonas, this is so very dangerous." Her voice was husky, filled with arousal.

Shifting his hips, he moved until he was pushing her legs apart, her skirt rising, allowing him to slide into place. Only the clothing they wore separated him from the sweet, wet flesh of her pu**y.

"Shh," he soothed. "No danger here, baby. Just touch me. Just for a minute."

Her fingers curled against his chest, two little nails scraping over the flat, round disc of one nipple.

His hips jerked, instinct rushing through him as he fought to bury his c**k inside her.

The gasp of her breath as the hard, covered flesh of his dick raked against her clit was nearly his undoing.

"Can I taste you?" The question had pure pleasure exploding through his mind. "Just once."

She wanted. He could smell the want pouring from her, a want he had promised he wouldn't take advantage of.

"Taste me," he whispered. Hell, he had no idea if it would hurt or not. There had been instances that even the tiny hairs on a Breed's body contained minute amounts of the mating hormone. But it was rare. So rare.

Her head lifted to him as he bent to her, expecting to feel the touch of her lips on his chest. Instead, her head lifted farther, and he felt the stroke of her tongue against his neck, the rasp of her teeth.

Goddamn. He was going to melt. Fire raced along his body, tore through his balls and melted his brain. Impulse and instinct were the only things left. He had enough thought process left to thank God that his animal instincts had enough honor to not force the mating heat on her.

"Cinnamon," she whispered. "You taste like cinnamon and cloves, Jonas."

"God. No." He tore himself from her.

Jerking back, he forced himself to his own seat, his head falling back as he ran his hands through his hair and fought for control. Just a little control, enough to keep himself from taking what he so, so desperately wanted.

"What, Breeds aren't allowed to taste like cinnamon and cloves?" There was an edge of frustrated amusement, almost playfulness, to her voice.

Jonas breathed in roughly. "That mating hormone: It tastes like cinnamon and cloves."

"Merinus said it tasted like a rainstorm." Confusion filled her voice as he heard her sitting up.

"Merinus has a big mouth," he muttered as he felt the claws slowly retract and control return by minute increments. "It's different sometimes. It's according to the Breed."

"So Callan is stormy and you're hot?" That was definite amusement. Damn her, she was laughing about it when he felt as though he were going to explode.

"Or something." Lifting his head, he stared into her laughter-filled green eyes.

"Just think of the tabloid stories I could sell with this." Her brows wagged playfully. "Bureau director tastes of cinnamon and cloves, Feline Breed leader tastes of water and sulfur. What surprises will the Breeds come up with next?"

"You have no idea," he growled.

"Tell me, Jonas, do you think if we ever get around to having sex that you'll do the barb thing, or do you think you can convince it to stay hidden a time or two, just until I decide if I want to actually experience it?"