Lion's Heat(20)

"Indigestion," Jag quipped. "Brandenmore inspires it."

That was the damned truth. At this rate, Jonas would be the first Breed to develop an ulcer.

"We came in along the east border of the compound," Lobo, Jag's second-in-command, stated from the shadows along the far corner of the room. "There was a scent marker there, and signs that someone had used the ravine there to make their way into Sanctuary. We followed it until it disappeared along the main road."

"Were you able to detect the scent marker?" Jonas kept his voice low, his senses tuned to the next room.

Jag shook his head. "There was a faint hint of human scent, but it was too old for the trail we found."

"Too old or deliberately laid." The Coyote Enforcer, Loki, stepped forward, his gray eyes dark, the thick black lashes surrounding them looking almost too soft, too seductive, for the most elite killer the world might ever know.

"What did you detect, Loki?" Jonas asked.

Loki shook his head, the thick, straight strands of his devil's black hair feathering over his forehead and along his shoulders. "Don't know, Jonas. There was something odd about it though, as though the scent had been deliberately altered in some way."

Jonas turned to Jag, Lobo and the other members of Ghost Team.

"The rest of us didn't detect that, but Loki's ability to detect scents is better than ours." The other Coyote, Angel, growled the information, which was no less than Jonas had expected.

Watching Angel closely, he noticed the other man watching the bedroom door closely.

"Is there a problem, Angel?" Jonas asked softly, his tone dropping dangerously.

Angel shook his head, his black-and-gray hair shorter than Loki's, but just as silken and straight.

"I've no interest in your woman, Jonas," Angel assured him.

"Then why the interest in the door?"

"He likely senses what I smell." Loki stepped forward.

"And that is?" Jonas's head swung around.

"Your mate is awakening," Angel growled, drawing their attention. "That's what I sense. She'll be out in moments, and I'm certain you don't want us seen."

No one had ever seen Ghost Team other than Jonas. Jonas doubted the six men had ever faced another Breed or human without some sort of camouflage.

"If you see anything, if you learn anything, then let me know." Jonas nodded, still watching Angel closely.

There was no detecting a lie with these Breeds. Like Jonas, they had been taught how to use their emotions to trick other Breeds or animals. How to lie, to manipulate and deceive.

They nodded quickly before disappearing. Between one blink and the next, they were gone. Silently, blending in with shadows, moving quickly, taking advantage of the slightest weakness--that was what they were trained for before escaping into the pre-dawn darkness.

Moving quickly to the bedroom door, Jonas removed the electronic lock just as the doorknob turned and Rachel pulled the door open.

"Good morning." Jonas arched a brow at the glare she gave him.

"Amber will be waking soon." There was an edge of concern in her voice. "I need more formula and diapers before the day is out, Jonas. Elizabeth promised they would be here by time they were needed."

"And so they are. They arrived several hours ago." He nodded. "Her formula is on the counter; the sterilized bottles are beside it."

She moved away from him, the large shirt and even larger men's sweatpants she wore bunching around her small frame as she walked.

"I need a phone," she stated as she moved into the kitchen. "I need to contact my sister."

Jonas grimaced. "Diane is still overseas." He'd met her sister once. The woman was a Breed without the genetics. She would make a man think of suicide if he had to stay around her for long.

"Get me a phone, Jonas, before she has to come looking for me," she warned him as she moved for the bottles after checking out the rather large bag of diapers the Vanderales had had delivered.