Lion's Heat(120)

Jonas nodded. "He saved her. I've thanked him."

"And you found her mate for her, and took her from him," Leo said. "There were several times Dane nearly stole her back."

Jonas shook his head. "She wouldn't have stayed."

"No." Leo sighed. "And now, I must find a way other than the one I've used to find the son I fear I lost in the years I remained hidden rather than revealing myself to him. He would never accept the proof that I was watching over him with pride. Nor would he accept the explanation that I'm often simply too arrogant for my own good, and that my sons come by their stubbornness and manipulating ways honestly."

"I never denied that." Jonas stared back at him. "Look, are you seeking forgiveness? Fine, I forgive you."

Leo's gaze was heavy. "Forgiveness? No, Jonas, I'm searching for my son. Emotion comes easy with my mate, with the children I raised, but I've found it's harder with the sons that are grown, who have not been influenced by me or made to understand my ways. I'm searching for the son that is more like me than even those that my mate bore me. One so like me, that even at the best of times, I wonder when he'll challenge me."

"Never," Jonas answered easily as he read Leo's surprise. "I have no desire to challenge you, Leo. Not you, nor Callan, nor Dane, unless you threaten what's mine. Then, I won't challenge you; I'll kill you."

"You could easily claim Sanctuary or my own base," Leo stated suspiciously. "You're strong enough, manipulative enough."

"There's no challenge to it." Jonas faced his father, knowing it was the truth. Knowing that being Pride leader was a far easier job than controlling the Bureau, the humans that were a part of it, as well as the Breeds that served as Enforcers.

"You're joking." Leo grunted. "There is nothing more challenging than assuming leadership of hundreds of Breeds."

Jonas shook his head. "Each to their own, Leo."

Leo shook his head. "And Elizabeth? She's your mother. She weeps for you."

Jonas's eyes widened in surprise now. "She knows?"

Leo watched him curiously. "She's your mother. She's always claimed you. Even when I believed you weren't our child, Elizabeth knew. She knew, and cried for you, just as she left my bed for months when it was proven. She hasn't yet forgiven me, Jonas, no more than I suspect you will ever forgive me."

Hell, he simply didn't have time for this.

He jerked the door open, ignored Leo's suddenly furious growl and stomped back to the observation room. As he pushed through the door, Leo on his heels, he faced Elizabeth as she turned from something Ely was saying.

He gripped her shoulders, bent and kissed her forehead gently. "I'm heading home, Mother. Please get Father off my back and out of my life for a day or so if you don't mind. I do have family matters to take care of now."

Ignoring her surprise, he turned and stalked past Leo, back to the hall, and out of the small building that served as Sanctuary's pre-detaining building.

Calling Leo "father" didn't sit well, but he was a Breed, created, not born, trained rather than raised. He wasn't Jonas. After tonight, he would never call Leo "father" again perhaps, but he wouldn't deny him any longer.

Mordecai was waiting with the Raider and made the trip home quickly. Jonas needed his mate and his child. He needed to tell his mate the battle they may face, as well as the one their child might face. And he needed to hold her.

She was waiting on him when he walked in the door. Snow swirled inside before he closed the door, locked it, then strode to his mate.

"Where is Amber?" His fingers went to the belt of her robe.

"Asleep." Her breath instantly became harder, her voice breathy and low as he stripped the material from her shoulders.

"I need you." His lips moved to hers. "I love you."

"I love you." Her lips parted for him, his tongue slipped past them, the glands beneath aching, needing the touch of her tongue.

She was there for him. The hormone spilled into her and was taken eagerly as he lifted her in his arms and carried her to the bedroom.

Stripping them both of the clothes separating them took little time. Her gown tore as he jerked at the small buttons at her waist. It pooled at her feet as he worked his pants loose and toed his shoes from his feet. Shedding the pants and shirt, he pulled her to the bed, his lips slanting over hers, his tongue thrusting into her mouth, retreating, filling it again as he moved between her thighs, desperate to have her.

As the touch of her, the taste of her, filled his senses, the ache at the back of his neck began to recede and the heaviness that had filled his soul began to ease.

As he gripped his c**k and pressed it against the soft heat of her pu**y, he felt renewed. As he began working inside her, he felt the hunger to simply live begin to ease. She was his life, his heart, his soul.

Lifting his head, he stared into her eyes as he took her. Inch by inch, slowly working his erection inside the tight grip of her pu**y as he felt her filling his soul.