Lion's Heat(117)

"You bastard!" she screamed, managing to loosen her hair as Jonas caught her.

Her foot kicked out, landed in the dead man's gut. "You f**king monster. You bastard. She's a baby. She's a baby."

Jonas jerked her to his chest, his hand covering her head, his eyes burning as he stared at Brandenmore, now held easily by Lawe, his hands being restrained.

Jonas turned to the older man and let a slow, cold smile curl his lips. Brandenmore was his now. Amazing how things were beginning to work out. The greatest minds among the Genetics Council were now becoming Jonas's possessions: first Amburg, now Brandenmore.

"Take him to the labs," he ordered the Breed. "He needs to be tested himself."

Brandenmore's eyes widened in horror. "I helped you. But I helped you," he protested as though shocked.

"You helped yourself to your own demise," Jonas swore. "You've just disappeared, Brandenmore. Another casualty to this silent little war you and your friends have begun. And now, you're mine," he promised with a deadly growl. "You f**ked up. That's my daughter. Adopted from love, not from duty. Claimed as a daughter, not as a brat. And you'll pay for even daring to consider harming a hair on her head."

He wanted to rip the son of a bitch apart. The last thing he wanted to do was use him to better the Breed community, but he had no choice. Only Brandenmore could explain whatever changes occurred in Amber.

He nodded to Lawe to drag the man out as he turned slowly to the room, his arms still holding his mate close as she sobbed against his chest. Tears of anger, not of fear, or even of relief. They were tears of anger, pain and horror.

"Clean up," he ordered as Leo and Dane stepped from another room, dragging a bodyguard, barely alive.

Then Jonas felt his eyes widen in surprise and utter disgust. Son of a bitch, he couldn't keep them out of his hair for anything anymore.

Leo was tall, proud, exhilarated. His golden eyes glowed with excitement as he held a laser weapon in one hand, and gripped the hair of one of Brandenmore's best bodyguards as he dragged him along in the other hand.

"Mother will know you were here," Dane warned him in amusement. "She'll kick your ass and pout on me for months."

"Wrong, she kicks your ass and pouts on me," Leo argued.

"I'm going to have her kick both your asses." Jonas snapped, finally at the end of his rope where the two were concerned. In the past months they were like leeches. He couldn't seem to shake them off his f**king back no matter how hard he tried.

Then, they turned to Jonas as though coming up with the same answer at once.

"It was all his fault," they said in unison as they nodded at Jonas. He had a very bad feeling he knew exactly what they were agreeing to.

"Excellent." Leo grinned and slapped Dane on the back. "It's good to have another son to blame shit on. The rest of you are getting damned irritable over it."

He dragged the guard through the room, slapped Jonas on the shoulder and continued into the night as Jonas stared at him in outrage. Suddenly, the cold, hard Leo was gone, and what Jonas smelled rolling from the other man couldn't be true. Acceptance? Why? Why now, and what the hell was the Leo up to this time?

He turned to Dane, though he really didn't expect answers at this point.

Dane sighed heavily. "Your mate," he nodded to Rachel, "evidently chewed his ass and gave him a new lease on life.

What is it about you mated bastards that get off on that?"

As though that was an explanation? At least at this point, it made a bit of sense. Rachel was rather good at making man or Breed feel about two inches tall whenever they deserved it.

Jonas blew out a hard breath. "They care," he finally said as Rachel sniffed, her tears easing, her rage lessening. "It means they care, Dane. Only a Breed raised in the labs could understand the power of that ass chewing."

Rachel would do it often.

She would love him often.

She would rage at him often.

She lifted her head, her eyes still wet, her lips trembling.

"I love you," she whispered. "So much."

His head lowered and, amid blood and death, touched hers as light as a feather and whispered, "I live for you."