Lawe's Justice(64)

For God’s sake, his very demeanor, so dominant and forceful had her pu**y creaming furiously despite the disgusted irritation the action earned him.

She decided she hated Breeds.

“Reasons don’t matter.” Thor shrugged. “Just the action.”

Diane grunted at his standard no-forgiveness stance.

“Were you following me?” Suspicion suddenly rose inside her, dark and ugly.

Thor had been the one who had arrived with her uncle to tell her of her parents’ deaths. He had held her when her lover, her uncle’s second-in-command, had been killed, and he’d been the one who had sat and prayed at her hospital bed after her rescue from that Syrian hellhole.

Suspecting him of anything seemed nothing short of a sin.

Yet there it was.

“I wasn’t following you,” he stated with a bite to his voice. “I’ve actually been tracking your shadow. I just wanted to see who he was tracking when I caught sight of him sneaking around the hotel the night before you left. I didn’t know you were his quarry until I heard you and the Lion here arguing inside. It makes sense, though, considering the fact I warned you someone was out to kill you.” He turned to Lawe as he crossed his arms over his wide chest. “Your Breeds are falling down on the job, prick. They weren’t at the door as they should have been.”

“For a reason,” Lawe snapped irritably. “We knew you were following her. The only reason you got to the door was because you’re not considered a threat.”

Diane was more concerned with Thor’s revelation than the argument between him and Lawe. She had left before daylight. Gideon Cross had been watching for her and she had known it. Just as she had known he was tailing her, despite the fact that she hadn’t been able to catch sight of him.

One of these days, perhaps she could catch up with him and convince him to teach her that little trick.

Keeping one step ahead of her mate as well as her enemies might well be in her future. He didn’t appear to be out to kill her. She just hadn’t figured out exactly what it was he did want. Evidently, Lawe was paying close attention to Thor, especially the part about Gideon shadowing her and the rumor that there was a price on her head. Just what she needed, for Lawe to become more protective than he already was. “Let me go before I have to kick your ass,” she muttered, her fury downgrading to simple kick-his-ass anger as he slowly released her.

“That threat is getting old,” he told her quietly. “Either kick it or find another part of my anatomy to consider abusing.”

She almost rolled her eyes. She wasn’t even going to touch that one.

Pushing her fingers through her hair, she stared back at the window beside the door. The curtains were still carefully closed and tucked in close to the wall to ensure not even a shadow could be revealed.

She had known last night that a weapon was trained on her. Right between her eyes as she sat in the chair that she had thankfully moved this morning. If Thor was unaware of who the tracker was following, then he couldn’t have seen her the night before making herself a willing target.

“Did you catch sight of him?” she asked Thor.

For long moments Thor stared back at her in mocking disbelief that she had even asked such a question. He indicated her window with a jerk of his head. “I managed to catch sight of him with the long-range binocs we procured from those Coyotes last year.” The binoculars were a hell of a lot more than long range, with night vision, heat sensing and several other tricks Diane hadn’t yet been able to try out. “He has a nice, powerful sniper rifle trained right in here is my guess. I saw the shadow and the rifle, but I couldn’t get close enough to glimpse his features or keep him from pulling the trigger.” The last was snapped out furiously. “What the f**k were you doing propped up in front of the window daring that f**ker?”

She rolled her eyes at him, before her gaze turned wary at the sound of the rumble of pure displeasure she heard vibrating in Lawe’s chest.

“Stop that.” She hissed the order as her nerves went immediately on edge.

She did not like that sound.

“I’m ready to imitate him,” Thor bit out in irritation. “For God’s sake, Diane. You have no idea what you’re dealing with here.”

“Wonderful.” Diane propped her hands on her hips again and stared around the room as she said mockingly, “And here I was hoping he would settle for binoculars to watch my girlish figure.”

Not that either man took her mocking amusement for what it was.

“That assassin is still tracking you and you insist on remaining on this mission?” Lawe turned to Diane, incredulity shooting past any control he could have considered enforcing on his scent. “Have you lost your f**king mind?”

“Well, he hasn’t shot me yet.” She ignored the flash of a wicked incisor at her exclamation.

“Well, f**king give him time,” Lawe suddenly yelled at her. “He’s only made his first attempt. If at first you don’t succeed—right?”

Her eyes widened.

She had never heard Lawe yell, and she had seen him and Jonas go head-to-head on more than one occasion. Lawe was always calm, collected and cool. The three C’s. She’d always envied the hell out him.