Lawe's Justice(32)

Because only this past week, after the Executioner—which was what they called Gideon Cross—left that message for her in Argentina had she begun to suspect that one of her men could be attempting to ensure she was no longer a part of her sister’s life, or her protection.

She simply couldn’t make herself consider Thor, for the simple fact that he had been the one to pull her ass out every time. But, neither could she make herself completely trust him either.

“Did you know they were on my ass?” she asked Thor as he stood silently behind her, his arms crossed over his chest as he too watched the small group.

“Nope. Didn’t,” he said shortly.

He was pissed, but he wasn’t the only one. The rest of her men were as well.

Aaron, Brick and Malcolm were in the other room. Aaron had taken a bullet to the thigh, Malcolm had taken one to the back of his leg. Brick had taken one across his outer thigh, a flesh wound that required advanced skin patches along with two stitches. He had stated he was just too damned disgusted to put up with Breeds tonight. Thor had insisted on staying with her. As though she needed someone to protect her.

Had her command already begun breaking down, or was Thor more concerned with any information that he may miss?

He was the one she trusted the most. He helped plan every mission, knew every move she made and was the one most insistent that she never went anywhere, or did anything, alone.

And she had a spy close to her.

“I didn’t even suspect they were there until they started pouring out of the woodwork like cockroaches today,” she muttered resentfully.

“That’s not the only problem we have,” Thor said softly. “I don’t like surprises. I checked our rooms while they were treating the others. We were bugged, and they weren’t Breed devices.”

So that was why he had slipped away from the rest of the group.

“Why?” she asked. “What made you suspect we were bugged?”

“Because whoever the f**k was out there trying to put a hole in your head knew exactly what time to be waiting on you.” Low and rumbling with fury, his voice rasped above her. “We never leave at the same time, we never take the same exits twice. There’s no f**king way to predict your movements, boss. That’s why we follow you rather than lead, because only you know which way we’re going.”

That had been her uncle’s way as well.

“Were you able to identify the device?” she asked.

“Not yet, but I’m working on it,” he told her.

She nodded slowly as Lawe’s head suddenly jerked around, his blue eyes narrowing on her and Thor.

“You’re not going back to Sanctuary,” Thor stated, the suspicion in his tone assuring her that he didn’t entirely believe the plan she had given him.

“Yes, until more information comes in.”

She hated lying to him. Thor was the one she knew the best. He was the one who had arrived with her uncle when her parents were killed, the one who had helped her uncle slip them out of the States and into Africa when her and Rachel’s safety had been at risk.

She frowned at that.

Her uncle, Colt Broen, had taken her and Rachel to the only place he’d been certain they would be safe while he investigated their parents’ death.

“I’m meeting with my contact at midnight. He called. There’s a report you have a shadow on your tail,” Thor told her. “He heard about the shooting and informed me someone is trying to separate you from your team but we haven’t sussed out the reason why. Something’s not right here, Di, you know that.”

“Let me know before you leave and I want your report the minute that meeting is over,” she ordered. “Keep working on why someone wants to separate me from my men.”

“I’m all that’s left to cover your back, Di,” he stated worriedly. “Don’t do something stupid and run off on your own.”

If she knew Thor, then he knew her just as well. That could become a problem when she made her own move and headed west.

“Don’t worry, Thor,” she murmured, covering her lips with her fingers as her sister looked back to her once again. “I’m trying really hard not to do stupid things this month.”

He grunted in disbelief at the comment.

Lawe moved from Jonas and Rachel before she could say anything more, striding to where she sat and stopping only inches from her as he stared back at Thor with icy intensity.