Lawe's Justice(17)

Rule was against the wall as Lawe pressed his forearm tight and hard into his brother’s throat. The Breeds standing guard farther up the hall stepped forward then deliberately restrained themselves from moving from their posts.

The VIPs they guarded were more important than their feline curiosity or instincts concerning the violence rising between the two brothers. But they still watched curiously and Lawe was still very much aware of them.

“No!” he said with a snarl in his brother’s face. “Don’t destroy the bond we’ve had since our birth, Rule. Back the f**k off.”

Rule’s lips curled in amusement despite the powerful arm Lawe had pressed into his throat.

The mocking amusement he’d had moments before returned to his gaze. “The scent you put on her can be washed away eventually,” Rule warned him. “It’s not strong enough to do anything but cause a Breed to pause and then assure him she’s Breed compatible. If I don’t take my chance, then another Breed will. Which would you prefer, Lawe? That another mate her or that one you know will protect her with his life has her?”

“Another Breed won’t get the warning you’re getting. I’ll f**king kill him. Stay the hell away from her or I’ll make damned sure you wish you had.”

Before the animal raging through his senses could strike out and harm the brother he had pledged to protect, Lawe jerked back before stabbing his finger on the elevator control panel.

The ping of the elevator sounded before the door slid open.

“For both our sakes,” Lawe stated quietly with much more restraint than he actually felt.

Their gazes locked in silent confrontation, each gauging the other’s intent and the strength behind it before Rule finally gave a slow nod.

“This time,” Rule stated softly. “This time, Lawe. But before I see another take what I know should be yours, I will step around you and claim her myself. One way or the other, no matter the enmity it may cause between us.”

Lawe clenched his fists at his side and forced himself to hold back the anger that pounded through his veins and kept his animal instincts on a sharply honed edge.

He hated that feeling. That feeling that there was another entity rising inside him and threatening to steal the control he’d honed over the years.

His gaze remained locked with his brother’s until the elevator doors slid closed and the small cubicle carrying Rule made its return journey to the lobby of the hotel. He stood, watching the numbers on the digital display count down the elevator’s progress until it reach the lobby.

He made himself stand there, watch, and wait as he fought the primal instincts tearing through him.

He’d managed to keep it at bay during the past months since he’d rescued Diane and realized she was his mate. He’d reined it in and assured himself that he could deny that savage impulse to claim her. Each time they’d come in contact, each time the battle became harder, but he’d still managed to walk away.

As he stalked to her door, that control he’d had most of his life was fading away. The animal part of him was clawing its way to the forefront of his senses, and its attention was locked on a single, subtle scent.

The scent of its mate.

The mate that even now the rational, logical part of his brain was screaming to deny. He couldn’t have her. He wouldn’t allow himself to risk her. But he could ensure, at least for a little while, that the scent he placed on her was strong enough to keep even Rule at bay.

For a little while.

Diane had finished dinner and cleaned up her mess when she suddenly paused just inside the kitchenette, her gaze slicing to the door at the sound of a keycard sliding through the lock.

The soft hiss was a sound most people would have never detected, but most people hadn’t been trained by her paranoid uncle.

Perhaps paranoid was the wrong word to use. Her very cautious uncle.

In that second, her weapon cleared the holster she wore at the small of her back. The small laser-powered personal defense handgun had the look of the old-style Glock the military once issued, but it contained all the power of the adjustable laser-powered rifles.

The bursts of fiery energy could knock a man off his feet or put a hole in him the size of a bowling ball.

“Put your weapon down, wildcat. It’s just me.”

Diane froze, the weapon still held at her thigh by both hands as the door swung open and he stepped in.

Just me. Just—there was no “just” where Lawe Justice was concerned. There was nothing so simple as that word implied.

Confident, powerful, a supreme male animal and as f**king alpha as he could get, he stepped into the suite as though it belonged to him.

He was complicated, powerful, mysterious and rakish, wicked and seductive, and her entire body seemed to flood with warmth at the sight of him.