Lawe's Justice(106)

“Really.” Stepping to her, his head lowered, his lips catching hers in a kiss that seemed to sink inside her soul.

The taste of the mating hormone was richer, spicier. It seemed to go to her head faster, the addictive essence a power punch to her arousal as she moaned at the fiery sensations suddenly racing through her.

He’d just been wounded, a bullet had been dug out of the heavy muscle of his shoulder, staples held the gash in his bicep together but the erection pressing into her belly felt stronger, thicker than ever. His arms as they drew her to him sent a surge of heated security—not protectiveness—racing through her.

She was safe here. Emotionally safe. Her heart would always be cherished by him, her happiness always his priority.

Twining her arms around his neck, her fingers sifting through his hair, Diane caught her breath on a moan as the power of the mating hormone continued to build inside her. To rush through her system, and to set fire to feelings, emotions, needs she had no idea how to decipher.

She pulled at his hair and when he nipped at her lips she could have sworn she nearly reached her orgasm.

Her pu**y pulsed, her juices spilling from the clenched opening to saturate the swollen folds beyond. Her ni**les ached and throbbed as they brushed against his chest, but when his fingers and thumbs found the tender points and began to massage them with erotic roughness she felt her juices dampen her thighs as well.

Heat raced through her blood veins, tore across her nerve endings and left her shaking as she clenched her thighs together and fought for that pinnacle of pleasure.

“Lawe—” Oh God, she needed him.

His hands slid to her rear, his fingers curving over and clenching the rounded flesh as he lifted her to him.

“Lawe.” What was that sensation?

The prick of pleasure or impending heat as he pulled at the cheeks of her rear, separating them, the motion tugging at the hidden, forbidden entrance within.

It wasn’t the physical sensations that sent that punch of electric flames racing through her womb. It wasn’t the echo of increased arousal spilling her juices from her pu**y that had her crying out for him.

It was the emotion. That feeling. It was something she had never felt before suddenly tearing through her, weakening her knees, reminding her she was a woman.

She was weaker—her muscles went lax, trembling as though there were no strength within them.

She was feminine—her pu**y was melting, spilling the slick essence of that femininity to her thighs.

She was—“Oh God, Lawe.” She wanted to say “no.” She wanted to deny what she was feeling and yet she was unable to.

When he drew back, turned her and eased her to the bed, her breathing began to accelerate. Her heart raced hard and fast in her chest. Because within seconds he had her on her knees, her shoulders pressed to the bed as his hands ran over the curves of her ass.

“So pretty.” He groaned behind her.

His breath feathered the wet curls that shielded the folds of her sex a second before his tongue swiped through the slick juices. Stiffening it, making a point of the tip, he began to probe her clit from beneath, pressing against the sensitive bud before drawing back and rolling it beneath the hood of the tender flesh.

With slow, diabolical movements he began to rub the heated tip against her flesh, searing it with the hormone spilling from his tongue. A second later he sucked the tender bud inside his mouth, closed his lips on it and began to suckle with firm, hungry draws of his mouth. His fingers parted the flesh, found the snug entrance and before Diane could murmur an assent or denial, she felt the tips of his fingers rubbing against her, slipping inside her, separating the clenched flesh and sending pleasure streaking through her.

“Oh yes.” She moaned, her hips writhing against the shallow penetration. “Oh God, Lawe, yes. Please. Take me more.”

She was on the verge of crying, tears filling her eyes as the desperation began to burn through her.

His fingers moved in further, rubbing, stroking slowly, working her flesh open, stretching her then pulling back and repeating the process.

A second later, the fingers of his other hand became busy as well.

Slick, cool. Oh God, that was what the small jar beside the bed was for. The lubricant had confused her. It didn’t anymore. Not as his fingers rubbed the cooling gel over the tender, unopened entrance.

She couldn’t take much more. His tongue flicked at her clit as he sucked at it, the heat of his mouth searing it as sensation built within it. Every nerve ending in her body felt as though it were suddenly filled with electrical currents. They sizzled through her nerve endings, stole her breath and had her fighting for her climax.

When his lips drew back, she wanted to scream in denial. She could barely moan. Then he was kissing a path lower, to where his fingers were easing from her. His tongue rubbed over the entrance, drew her juices to his tongue, then with a hard, quick thrust buried his tongue inside her.

Diane nearly jerked upright. She would have, if there hadn’t suddenly been a hand pressing against her shoulder, holding her to the bed.

His tongue was wicked. It speared inside her, stroked and rubbed and sent her senses spinning. Fucking into the tender, tight entrance he made her feel as though he were relishing each taste of her. As though she were the dessert before the meal.