Kiss of Heat(8)

“I love her,” he said, his voice tight, his chest aching with this new information given him. “I always loved her, and your threats won’t change that. Neither will your hatred. Just as it won’t change the fact that I’m not leaving and I’m not letting up. Every damned one of you might as well get used to that.”

He stomped from the room, his own anger, his pain, overwhelming. His need to watch Sherra, to just know she did indeed still live driving him, pushing him… Destroying him…

Chapter Three

Escape was her only alternative. Sherra knew that staying in the house that evening would mean only one thing—an eventual confrontation with Kane that she had no hope of winning. And losing, at this point, wasn’t an option.

Dressed in the dark, formfitting assault gear worn on patrol, she made her way through the compound to one of the few single houses that had been set up over the months. Tanner and Cabal had taken the small house themselves after Merinus happened to catch them involved in one of their favorite games. In the living room of the main house, nonetheless. On the expensive couch Merinus had chosen herself for the room, the two men had been eagerly convincing one laughing, highly amused Breed female to join them in play.

Since his rescue from a particularly sadistic lab, Cabal had, in his quiet, charming way, drawn several of the compound’s females into his bed, where Tanner often joined them. Tanner, always the wildest of the main Pride, had taken to the ménages like a cat to cream. He and Cabal seemed almost an extension of the other as they charmed the young women into their bed.

For a while, Sherra had actually worried that her adoptive brother and Cabal were far closer than what she considered necessary. Learning the truth hadn’t been any easier to take. They didn’t have a liking for each other so much as they simply enjoyed making everyone crazy. Sharing their women, convincing them to take on two Bengal Breeds rather than one, and immersing themselves in the sexual exploits had become so frequent that Callan had finally ordered them from the main house. To which Tanner had merely laughed and taken the newly built house instead. As she neared the house, she cocked her head, listening carefully for sexual activity. Not hearing anything, she gripped the doorknob, stepped in and stopped in shock.

“Do you have a problem with bedrooms?” she asked, spying the mattress on the floor and the trio still presently joined in the center of it.

The female Breed was either sleeping or unconscious, who knew, sandwiched between Cabal and Tanner, one leg lifted over Cabal’s who rested at her back, his c**k embedded in her rear as Tanner eased slowly from her drenched, bare pu**y.

“Do you have a problem with knocking?” He ran a hand over his sweat-dampened chest as he collapsed on his back, breathing roughly.

His poet’s face, dark and arrogant, was relaxed with sexual fulfillment, his long black hair, striped with natural gold highlights falling to his shoulders and framing the masculine perfection maturity was bringing to his face.

On the other side, Cabal eased slowly from their partner, grunting at the obvious tight grip around his softening erection before he too lay back, relaxed, replete. His hair was gold with deep, midnight black streaks running through it. As striped as Tanner’s was. It was like looking at two halves of one person. Their features and body build were nearly exact, their deep voices amazingly similar. Sherra often wondered if they didn’t share blood as well as women.

She stared at the woman, now curled on her side as Tanner flipped the sheet over her nudity. He might ride them to exhaustion, relish them to their last orgasm, but he was highly protective of them.

“So lock the door or something,” she snapped, moving into the room to close the door from prying eyes.

“Callan is going to kick your ass if he finds out you’re f**king his guards again, Tanner. And if I’m not mistaken, your little cat there is presently assigned to house detail.”

He cocked one eye open, a charming, knowing little smile tilting his lips.

“Who’s going to tell on me?”

She frowned, fighting to keep the amusement from her gaze.

“Keep disregarding orders and I will,” she warned him, her voice hard, though she knew it would never happen.

Tanner had enough fun for all of them. He often reminded her what they were all fighting for with his laughter alone. He was cheerful, optimistic, and always found a way to enjoy life. Cabal was quieter, more introspective, but always at Tanner’s side no matter the prank or sexual exploit they were pulling.

“No, you won’t.” Only Cabal would dare to call her on it, just as he did as he rose from the mattress, unashamedly nude as he moved to the kitchen. “Want a beer?”

“No,” she snapped, admiring the flex of his ass as he walked. She couldn’t admire Tanner’s ass, hell, he was almost a brother to her, but Cabal knew how to walk and she didn’t mind looking. She might very well love Kane ‘til her last breath, but that didn’t mean she was blind. And a woman would have to be blind not to notice that fine piece of ass flexing in front of her eyes.

“Kane will kick his ass if you keep watching it like that, Sis.” Tanner chuckled as he moved to his feet and pulled on a wrinkled pair of boxer shorts before flopping back on the couch. “That wouldn’t be fair to him.”

Sherra grinned unashamedly as Cabal walked back into the room.

“She staring at my ass again?” He tossed Tanner a long-necked bottle before twisting the cap off his own and flashing her a wicked smile. “Shame on you, Sherra.”

“Whatever.” She crossed her arms over her br**sts, frowning at both of them as they watched her in amusement. “I need a favor.”

“Uh-oh, now we’re in trouble,” Tanner sighed.

“Oh shut up,” she grumped. “I just need you to find a way to keep Kane busy tonight. He’s insisting on pulling me back to the house and I don’t need a confrontation with him right now, Tanner.”

“No, you need to be f**ked,” Cabal interjected, his gold eyes watching her soberly. “Stop running from him and you wouldn’t have to ask for favors.”

“I’m going to kick your ass if you don’t shut up,” Sherra snarled back at him. “I didn’t ask for advice, I asked for help. Yes or no.”