Kiss of Heat(53)

“Now.” Merinus adjusted the shoulders of her maternity smock as she gave them all a narrow-eyed look. “I’m sick of all of you. I want a glass of milk, a pack of Oreos, and some peace. You can argue amongst yourselves all you want to, but Roni and I have had enough. We expect our milk and cookies in my room immediately.”

The two women moved for the doorway when a set of twins rose to their feet as though to stop them.

“Sit back down, ass**les,” Merinus snarled. “Before I make good on my threat to shoot you all.”

They sat down, though indulgent smiles crossed their faces.

“Better escape yourself, Sherra,” Merinus muttered as Tanner stepped back to allow the women to pass. “You’ll be next.”

Sherra grunted, her hand caressing the butt of the weapon still strapped to her thigh. “I won’t just threaten to shoot them,” she muttered. “I will.” She gave Kane a look of warning. She received a wicked, daring smile in return. A smile that sent her pulse rate rocketing and her pu**y creaming in anticipation.

Merinus and Roni moved quickly past her and headed to the elevator at the far end of the entryway. Merinus was evidently playing it safe for the time being. As she turned back to Kane, Sherra wondered how he would handle attempting to protect her. Surprisingly enough, the thought of Kane hovering over her and their child didn’t bother her so much. Those brothers of his would have to go, though.

“I say we adjourn this fight for the time being,” Kane announced as Sherra once again indicated her desire to return to their room. “Caleb,” he turned to one of the twins, “you and Seth get everyone together and get the plans for those houses started. Uncle Sam, you do something with that Breed Liaison in D.C. I want dependable satellite intel on those caves. Dad, you can get with Merinus later about the report she’s preparing, we want worldwide coverage on this. It has to stop.”

His voice hardened on the last words, his gaze turning cold as his fury seeped to the surface. The assassin had come much too close to the sister they all treasured. They wouldn’t allow it to happen again. As Kane strode toward her, Sherra felt a warmth and security infuse her entire being. He was hers.

Finally. Completely. Her hand moved to her abdomen, her fingers spreading across it as the truth finally hit her. Their child rested there. Their baby. The joy that bloomed in her heart spread throughout her body as her lips curved into a smile she couldn’t contain.

Kane stopped several feet from her, seeing the joy, the utter complete happiness that suffused her face and seemed to light up the room around her. She seemed to glow, to give a heat and radiant light that took him aback. Her eyes seemed greener, her soft skin creamier, while at the same time she seemed more mysterious and in contradiction, more touchable than ever before. His gaze went over her. What was different?

Then his eyes paused at her abdomen, the way her hand lay over it, her fingers splayed as though in protection and amazement. He felt his heart race, his mouth go dry. The heat had been easing, he realized that now, where he hadn’t before. There had been moments that he hadn’t craved to be buried inside her. Not often, he admitted, but moments. And though the hunger was still there, it was more natural, softer.

He took another step toward her, distantly aware of the others behind him, the silence surrounding them. But all he could hear was his own heartbeat, all he could see was the knowledge glowing in Sherra’s eyes. And it brought him to his knees. Literally.

“Kane.” Her shocked exclamation didn’t stop him as he clasped her h*ps and buried his face against her stomach.

He was overwhelmed. Emotion churned inside him, ripping through his chest, filling his heart. She was carrying his baby. He swore he could feel it beneath his cheek—life, a renewal to all the dreams they had once believed were lost to them.

“I love you.” His arms wrapped around her as he laid a tender kiss on her abdomen. “God help me, Sherra, I love you.”

“Kane, they’re watching you,” she whispered, but there was no shame in her voice, only laughter, only love.

“Let them.” He moved back just enough to watch as he splayed his fingers over her flat stomach. His fingers were trembling—hell, his whole body was trembling as he stared up at her, weakened by the emotion he saw in her gaze and the knowledge of the child growing in her body.

“How?” He shook his head. He had resigned himself to never healing that part of the past for either of them.

She reached out, her fingertips touching his face.

“Doc’s not sure.” She cleared her throat as she glanced back at the room full of men behind them.

“Kane, if they start hovering over me, I’m going to shoot them.”

“Ignore them.” He shook his head as he came slowly to his feet. “You’re sure?”

He couldn’t stop touching her. Her hand rested on his shoulder now as his ran up her arm, caressing the

soft skin, marveling at the miracle she was to his life.

“Well, Doc says it’s so.” She shrugged with a small grin. “What do you think?”

Kane glanced behind him then. His damned brothers were snickering, but that was okay, let them snicker, he had the world in his arms now.

He turned back to her with a grin and whispered, “I think we need to go check for ourselves, just to be certain.”

Her laughter was a salve to his soul, a sound of joy and dreams and all the stubborn hopes he had carried with him for years.

“Definitely,” she answered, turning to lead the way up the stairs. Kane didn’t give her time to take the first step. He picked her up in his arms instead.