Kiss of Heat(39)

as he sank deeper inside the burning depths of her vagina. “I mean it, Kane,” she cried out. “I can’t stand it. I need it harder.”

“Ahh, baby, all you had to do was ask,” he groaned, his own voice strained now as the pace increased. Sherra felt her breath catch in her chest as her eyes closed helplessly. All her senses were centered between her thighs. The feel of his c**k shafting her with hard, digging strokes, raking over sensitive tissue, stretching it, setting her on fire as he began, finally, to f**k her in earnest. Their moans mingled in the dark confines of the tunnel, whispered gasps, female Feline growls of hunger merging in a symphony of lust and need.

Sherra moved back to him, driving him inside her, deeper, harder, feeling the smooth expanse of his c**k head butting against her cervix as the knot of tension began to build within her womb. She was shaking, her legs trembling, her muscles tightening as Kane’s pace increased further. The sound of damp flesh smacking together, the sucking of her pu**y around his c**k all combined with the moans and filled her head with a screaming demand she knew she could no longer deny. Her fingers clawed at the stone, her back arched as she drove herself harder on the wedge of flesh parting her, pistoning inside her now with hard, powerful strokes. A low cry built in her throat, then grew in volume as the conflagration of pleasure suddenly exploded from her womb and rushed through her body.

Kane was only a few strokes behind her. His teeth raked her neck as he drove in deep, then he bit her—

he actually bit her—making her scream as another surge of violent reaction overtook her, shuddering through her body, bowing her back as she felt Kane’s c**k pulse, his se**n, hot and rich, spew inside her.

“We’re going to kill each other like this.” He was breathing roughly long minutes later as he steadied her before weakly adjusting his pants and then helping her with hers. Her hands were shaking, her body still racked by occasional shudders of pleasure as the echo of her orgasm worked through her.

“Yeah well, I did try to warn you.” She tried to inject a small measure of waspishness into her tone, but it was impossible with the languor stealing over her. Damn, she could sleep now if there was a bed handy.

She drew in a deep, relaxing breath, then stilled. She felt her heart suddenly race in her chest, fear exploding in the pit of her stomach.

“What is it?” Kane rose from picking up the flashlight.

She turned, drawing in the scents from one end of the tunnel, then from the other.

“Fuck,” she whispered. “Let’s go. Fast. Somehow we’ve triggered an explosive.”

It was close, but she didn’t know how close. She could smell the damned thing heating up, preparing to blow, and knew there wasn’t a chance in hell of finding it. According to the strength of the explosives it could be contained behind them, or the force of it could blow out the rest of the tunnel. With her and

Kane inside it.

They ran.

Chapter Twelve

The blast of the explosion sent Sherra and Kane hurtling through the main cave opening, the sense of sudden weightlessness, of flight, was almost terrifying as she saw the boulders that surrounded the area looming below her. She tucked her body as she landed, rolled and came to her feet as she fought to catch her breath.

Kane was on his knees, choking against the dust settling around him as he too fought to get his bearings and to clear his head.

“Jonas,” she yelled furiously as the Feline breeds rushed around them. “Head count. I need a head count.” There had been others in the main cavern, as well as several of the smaller tunnels earlier.

“Everyone accounted for, Sherra,” Jonas Wyatt called back, his voice cold, furious. “I have an ASAP

out to a medic and Callan. Are you okay?”

“Do we have wounded?” She narrowed her eyes, seeing several Breeds sitting on the ground as the others attended them. “Status.”

He jumped up from examining Kane, his gray eyes almost a quicksilver now with rage as he stared back at her, his face coated with grime, several scratches on his cheek where debris had obviously caught him.

“We had major debris collapsing from above the mine entrance, we have minor injuries, a few broken bones. What the hell triggered that explosive?”

Alpha males, Sherra thought irrationally. Jonas Wyatt was one of the worst, easygoing one moment, taking charge the next. She saw now why he was rapidly rising within the security ranks at Sanctuary.

“Hell.” She was breathing roughly, drawing in deep gulps of oxygen as Kane stumbled to his feet. “It must have been wired for sound. There was no scent of it, no sign of it, Jonas, before it started heating up. I’m starting to wonder if the whole system isn’t one big grave in there.”

Kane snorted sarcastically, though she fought to ignore him.

“Callan is arriving,” Jonas called out as the sound of jeeps racing through the rough track up the mountain could be heard. “Get ready to move the wounded out. Sherra, do we stay or go?”

“You f**king go!” Kane turned on the Lion Breed furiously then. “Pack your shit up and get back to the compound. Now!”

Jonas blinked at him with a blank look. This was a Breed that rarely took orders, even from Callan.

“Yes, sir.” He finally nodded before turning away from him. “Load up, boys and girls, we’re being sent home.”