Kiss of Heat(20)

“What I should have done six months ago,” he snarled, surprising her with the anger behind his words, the need that vibrated in his voice. “Damn you, Sherra. How did you survive this alone, baby? Sweet baby… If I don’t have you I’ll die from it now.”

She cried out as the hunger became ravenous. His lips surrounded her nipple, drawing on it strong and deep as his hands tore at the waistband of her snug pants. His c**k was throbbing, the head literally pulsing as it tried to bury deeper in her pu**y, to defy the material of her pants between them, threatening to rip past the threads as her cunt heated destructively.

The hormone. Sherra whimpered as the pleasure screamed through her body. His mouth drew on her

nipple, his teeth rasping, tongue licking, as the brutal fist of sensation tightened in her womb. How would he function? How would she? The heat was pronouncedly stronger in her than it had been in Merinus. The agonizing pain would soon be ripping through her womb as her body fought to conceive. It was a useless void, and no matter how fertile the hormone wanted to make her, it could never support life.

The thought of the life she could never help create was shattered by his touch, though. He was out of control. They were out of control. His hands were hard as he fought to get her pants off her h*ps while keeping her locked to him, a hard, fierce growl tearing past his throat. Kane held her secure, his mouth, teeth and tongue tormenting the hard flesh he held captive. Her nipple was becoming so sensitive, so enflamed that the pleasure was almost pain, pushing her higher as it overwhelmed her.

She could feel her heart racing, the blood surging through her veins as his teeth scraped over the pointed crest before gripping it gently, holding it captive as his tongue flicked over it with hungry demand. Sherra twisted in his arms. She needed to be closer. She could feel the swirling mass of sensation growing in her womb, pulsing with a demand she couldn’t deny. Not any longer. Her upper arms were bound to her body by the taut fabric of the sleeves of her top, but her hand reached out, gripping Kane’s muscular forearms as he consumed her br**sts. He drew the hard point deeper into his mouth, sucking it with strong, hungry movements as his tongue continued to flay it. She could feel each rapid flick of his tongue throwing her closer to oblivion. She was helpless to fight it. Helpless against it.

“Please…” she whimpered, but didn’t know if the plea was for him to cease or to take her deeper. Her head fell back as she gasped for breath, shuddering as his teeth raked the tender tip, sending white-hot flames licking from her breast to her womb until she convulsed in heated, agonized ecstasy. Her cries echoed around her as she tightened, shuddered, her nails biting into the hard arms she held as bells and sirens began to wail around her.


Kane’s mouth released her nipple with a slight popping sensation as his head raised, a snarl drawing his lips back as Sherra suddenly realized the sirens were coming from outside. Warning, strident, the alarm system wailed through the compound, shrieking around them as the raised voices from outside the shed finally penetrated the haze of lust enveloping them.

Her gaze flew to his, her hands trying to reach for him as her brain processed the fact that there was now danger surrounding them. Danger to the occupants of the house, Cassie, Merinus and Roni and their unborn babes. Her mind fought to accept the sudden switch, the need to protect rather than to f**k, the need to fight rather than to touch.

The last thought was like a knife wound in her soul as Kane suddenly dragged the straps of her top over her swollen br**sts and back to her shoulders and she adjusted the neckline. He was struggling for control himself. She could see it in the raging emotion glittering in his dilated eyes, the tight grimace on his flushed face as fury began to envelop him.

“I’ll kill the f**king bastards!” Enraged, Kane forced the heavy length of his c**k back in his pants. He hurriedly snapped the material together, jerked the belt closed, and grabbed one of the rifles from the wall along with a loaded clip.

He slammed the ammo in place, checked it and turned quickly from her.

“Kane.” Grabbing her belt and holstered weapon from the shelf, Sherra jumped to the floor and rushed behind him.

“Stay put.” He turned on her, his eyes blazing. “After I kill whoever dared set those sirens off, you’re f**ked, Sherra. Accept it and get the hell ready for it. Because I won’t wait much longer.”

Sherra stood still in shock as she watched him disappear out the door. Precious seconds were lost as she fought to make sense of what happened and Kane’s sudden fury. The hormone. A cry tore from her throat as she rushed after him, pulling her revolver from its holster as she reached the door to see the Jeep spinning from the small parking area in front of the shed. She jerked the communications unit from her belt and attached it to her ear as she raced for the other Jeep.

“Report!” she yelled into the mic as she flipped it to her lips.

“We have intruders.” Tamber maintained control as she reported to Sherra. “The front gates have been breached. I repeat, we have a breach. All available units to the main compound. We have a breach.”

Sirens were blasting as Breeds poured from the barracks and raced on foot or in Jeeps to the main gates where the long, black, stretch limo had managed to break through the barrier.

“Someone grab Kane!” Sherra shouted into the mic. “Callan, where the f**k are you?”

She was nearly in tears as she slammed the jeep to a stop, no more than a hundred from where the limo was surrounded. “Callan, damn you. Get Kane. Now. He’s not rational. Callan, where are you?”

She raced across the distance as voices raised and positions were taken to surround the vehicle.

“Sherra, stand down!” Callan ordered her suddenly, his voice rough through the mic. “Stay back. Kane’s in control. Get up to the house with Cassie. We need Merc out here.”

She slid to a stop at the warning tone in Callan’s voice. Her chest tightened with fear. Merc was the strongest of the Breeds. Six and a half feet, his body corded with muscles. He was also the finest shot in the compound. Trained as an assassin, so far no one could beat his aim. What the hell was going on that they would need Merc?

She turned for the house, meeting Merc as he tore from it, his rifle in hand.

“Merc.” She slid to a stop, staring up at him, terrified. “Kane…”

“Get inside with Cassie, Sherra. Kane can take care of himself.” He rushed past her, racing for the tower in the center of the yard.

The sniper’s nest. Sherra gritted her teeth furiously as she ran into the house, only to be welcomed by

Cassie’s inconsolable cries as she wailed for her momma from Merinus’ arms. Several of the younger Breeds stood inside the room and crowded the hall, staring at her, looking for direction.

She switched the channel on the communications pack quickly, going straight to a private line to Tamber. Access to the line was given only to those highest in security.