Harmony's Way(94)

"It's a son."

Her breath caught at his words.

"I love you, Lance Jacobs," she whispered then. "And the minute you're well, I'm going to kick your ass for what you did."

"Shhh… Kiss me, baby. Let me feel you. Let me know I lived…" She leaned down and let her lips touch his. Brief though it was, a tentative caress, it was an affirmation of life.

"I love you…" she whispered, her lips feathering over his, her gaze locked with his.


And he smiled. "Always."


Three Months Later

Washington, D.C.

Jonas twisted his hips, slamming them against his partner, feeling the hot, tight clasp of her pu**y around his aching erection, the slick, liquid heat that surrounded him, and calculating her rise to orgasm.

Her hands slicked over his back, sharp little nails piercing his flesh as long blond hair wrapped around them like damp strands of silk.

Bracing his knees on the bed between her spread thighs, he pumped into her, eyes narrowed as he watched her pleasure-filled face and held back his own release. Ladies first. It wasn't so much a motto as part of his sexual training. The scientists had wondered if pleasure and sexual release would overcome the genetic encoding that prevented female Breed conception. It hadn't, but Jonas had excelled so quickly in bringing that pleasure that he had become the lab's resident stud.

He was used to seduce wives, daughters and buttoned-down professionals associated with the targets the Council sought. Women talked to their lovers, especially women experiencing the full flush of their first experience with a man who knew all the intricate paths to completion, such as Jonas did.

As he stroked inside the tempting little lawyer, finding all the delicate little nerve-ridden areas within her soft pu**y, his hands caressed and petted. His lips stroked over sweatdampened flesh, nipping, licking, kissing over sensitive skin. His pleasure came from hers, as odd as that should have been. Here, the only pain was the agony of need, of hunger that began to fill the air with her rising moans. Her hands gripped his biceps now, her h*ps lifting against him, pushing his c**k farther inside her as he felt the warning ripples of release stroke over his dick.

Her gasping cries were rising in crescendo as he felt the rippling waves of sensation begin to pulse in his balls. He could have come thirty minutes before. Instead, he had kept moving, sliding inside the rich, hot depths of her cunt as she shuddered beneath him.

She was insensate with pleasure. Her eyes were glazed with it, her body flushed with it and soaked with sweat. Her head twisted on the sheets a second before her breath caught, her body jerking helplessly beneath his as her pu**y sucked at his c**k before tightening further and letting go the sweet, fiery moisture of release. Jonas gave in to his own pleasure then, one hand gripping her hip as he began to shaft her furiously, f**king into her with furious strokes until his release whipped through him. He held inside her, his se**n spurting into the tight channel as he gritted his teeth and pumped against her, determined to wring each ounce of pleasure from the experience. It was rare for him to feel anything beyond the driving need to ensure Breed security. At least here, he could immerse himself in warmth, allow it to touch him, if only for a brief time.

As the final pulses of release rippled through his cock, he knew it wasn't enough though. The restlessness that haunted his working hours was beginning to drift into these hours of pleasure as well. A vague dissatisfaction he had never known before while copulating. And it was starting to piss him off.

Inhaling deeply as the final shudders of release vibrated through his muscles, Jonas eased back from Jess's hold on him, sliding from the silken depths of her pu**y as he ran a hand over the spiky length of his hair. He needed a haircut.

He was aware of her eyes opening as he moved from the bed and headed for the bathroom to wash up. She would be a few more moments before she rose behind him.

"You know, one of these days, you're going to find a woman you can't get up and walk away from," she murmured long minutes later, as he padded back from the bathroom, refreshed by a quick shower.

He grunted at the observation as he began to dress. He had work to do, and playing lovers' games wasn't on his agenda. He had a spy to find, and he was now one step closer to trapping her.

Propping the pillows behind her back, Jess stared back at him from intelligent gray eyes, an amused smile on her kiss-swollen lips.

"We need to move on the case pending against the Breed found beaten to death last week," Jess commented as he pulled on his socks before picking up his slacks. "I want those supremacists under Breed Law rather than international law. I'm sure the Ruling Cabinet can find a way to make them regret the errors of their ways."

"I disagree." He speared her with a dark look. "Let the justice system have them and oversee the case against them. The press will have a field day with it. A Breed videotaped attempting not to hurt its captors, to merely escape, and being beaten nearly to death for his efforts. It will engender sympathy and compassion as well as outrage. Kill them, and the Breeds will be seen as no better than those striking against them." A frown flitted across her face. "We have a right to justice," she said stiffly. "The same group raped and murdered that young female Breed the month before and you know it. We can't let this continue."

"Once they're free, I'll take care of them." He pulled the silk shirt over his shoulders and buttoned it before tucking it into his pants. "Such people disappear all the time. For now, it's better to let the humans believe they are policing themselves." It helped that one of Alonzo's lieutenants had been found dead at the scene of Harmony and Lance's attack. Pinning the blame for the sheriff's near murder on the supremacist group had gone a long way to fracturing much of their power.

A bit of careful maneuvering and Jonas had laid in the groundwork for the demise of the assassin known as Death as well. He had laid it right at the feet of the supremacist lieutenant Harmony had killed.

To Jonas, that was justice. Harmony was now safe in Broken Butte with her mate, and those who suspected her as Death could no longer speak to betray her.

"These games of yours are going to get someone killed," Jess finally said and sighed as he finished dressing.

His smile was tight, cold. "Most likely," he agreed. "Blood supremacists and those damned purist groups if I have my way about it. The world would be better off without them."