Harmony's Way(88)

Her hands hovered over Lance's chest; she didn't care who fired at her now. It didn't matter. Death was preferable to the horrible, aching agony twisting through her mind now.

No pain could come close to this. No horror could ever compare to staring into Lance's dark eyes as she pushed the goggles from his face, and seeing the knowledge in his eyes.

"No…" Her moan joined the distant cry of the wind, the sound of explosions around her, a loud hum throbbing in the air.

None of it mattered.

"Shhh." Lance's expression twisted with pain as she tried to stop the blood flowing from his chest. It fell over her fingers, a silky, heated fall of life that blistered her hands.

"No. No. No. Oh God. Don't leave me. Don't leave me." She was crying. She could feel the tears running down her cheeks as she watched a single droplet slide from his eye.

"It had to be," he whispered sluggishly. "I knew it had to be." Screams echoed around them. Gunfire. The sound of a motor. She didn't know what was going on, she didn't care.

"Don't leave me." She gagged at the thought of being without him now. Of being alone.

"Please, God. Lance. Please."

His face twisted with pain as she felt her stomach cramping with the cold, horrible knowledge that this was her fault.

She had killed him after all.

"I'll follow you," she cried. "Just as I swore, I'll follow you."

"No… Live free…" His expression twisted in pain.

"I'll follow you," she screamed. "You made me care. You made me feel, damn you. I won't do it without you. I can't do it without you."

As she moved to touch his face, hard hands jerked at her shoulders, attempting to drag her from him. Enraged, feral, she fought back, seeing the shadows merging around them. Death was taking him, jerking her from his side to tear his soul from his body. Her payment. This was her payment for taking innocent lives as a child. Life was being taken from her now.

"Take me," she screamed, fighting the clawlike hands pulling at her, fighting to hold back her blows. "Take me. Kill me. Don't take him. Please… please…" The sharp blow to her face barely registered, but the voice screaming at her ear did.

"Harmony, goddammit, let us help him."


Shadows cleared, and suddenly the brilliance of the heli-jet's lights struck his tormented expression.

"He's prepped. Let's fly."

She swung her head around. Rule, Merc and Lawe were standing protectively around Elyiana and the two Breeds lifting the stretcher they had strapped Lance onto. She jerked from Jonas's hold.

"Move!" Grabbing her arm again, he forced her to the heli-jet. "We have more of those bastards that attacked you coming up the mountain."

She jerked, staring behind them as the others moved ahead, some sixth sense warning her. Dane stepped from another shadow, his face streaked with dirt and grime, his expression furious. Concerned.

Lance was being taken from her because of this. Because of a past that wouldn't die, and a future that had never been meant for her. Because she was weak, because she had cared more for others than she had cared for his safety. As she watched, Dane moved through the shadows before stopping and retrieving the satchel she had tossed aside.

Keeping step with Jonas, she turned her back on him, she let the last tie she had to her past free. Jonas wanted Dane, and he had to know Dane was there. But he was saving Lance. Lance was all that mattered.

"Go. Go." Jonas all but threw her into the heli-jet as she turned back, stumbling, scrambling to get to Lance.

"Hold onto him, Harmony," Elyiana barked, grabbing her hands and placing them at his head as she stared into her eyes fiercely. "Don't let him go. Talk to him. It's bad. Real bad. Fight for him now, Harmony."

His eyes were open, but dazed, shocked. She held his head and as she cried, whispered the only thing she knew that mattered.

"I love you. Please, Lance, don't leave me. You don't want me to follow you, you really don't. Please, please don't leave me."

He had to live. He had to live for her, for their child, because Harmony knew that without him, there was no life, no love, there was no freedom.