Harmony's Way(32)

That wasn't going to work. She was a little too paranoid for that scenario. Jonas's terms for placement on the force was that she be trackable at all times. The bastard.

"It's fading, not offline," Lance assured her. "Go ahead and call it a day and head in to the garage. Maybe Davy will let you help him work on it."

She grimaced at the thought, then rose in her seat and sighed in frustration. Her gaze lifted to the rearview mirror and she froze in shock.

The navy and white SUV had parked close behind her, and the familiar form sitting in the driver's seat had her checking around the area quickly for witnesses. Damn, she didn't need this.

She flipped the comm link back on, speaking as she kept her eyes on the vehicle behind her. "Control, I'm going to need to take a personal break before heading in. There's a station just ahead."

"Roger that." Lenny Blanchard's voice came over the link. "I'll inform the sheriff." Which meant she had only a few precious minutes.

Pulling out of the vacant lot, she headed for the station ahead, where she turned in and drove around to the back of the building.


Harmony parked the Raider, watching as he stepped from the SUV before lounging against it with deceptive laziness.

"I don't have time for this." She stopped a few feet from him, watching him warily. He was as savagely hewn and intrinsically handsome as ever. White-blond hair framed his darkly tanned face as he stared back at her from emerald green eyes. He was a few inches taller than Lance, easily six-five, with a powerfully corded muscular body that made most women pant in lust.

"I received a report you were captured." His gaze raked over her. And here was the part that always confused her most about Dane. How had he known she had been taken?

"Yeah, well, let's say I'm on parole," she quipped. "And meeting with you is going to cause problems. What the hell are you doing here?"

"I'm here to rescue you." White teeth flashed dangerously. "Are you ready to leave?" Harmony stepped back quickly. He was more than capable of making her leave; he had done so before. She stared around the deserted area, searching for his backup. Dane always had backup.

"I can't leave, Dane." She finally shook her head firmly. "I'm sure you know exactly why I'm here by now."

Dane always seemed to know everything.

He crossed his arms over his chest as he watched her silently for long moments.

"Of course you can." His eyes finally narrowed on her as-sessingly. "I have a heli-jet waiting outside town. We can be out of here in half an hour."

"I told you, I can't leave." She gritted her teeth over the words as she felt her mind rebelling at the idea.

God, what was wrong with her? The mating heat was supposed to affect her body, not make her stupid. Of course she could leave; she just didn't want to. That was all. Freedom was a powerful lure.

"I just have to stick this out six months…"

"You won't make it six weeks before your enemies find you," he bit out. "The change in hair color is a nice touch. The makeup is nice. But you'll be found, Harmony. Eventually."

"Not if I'm careful." And she did know how to be careful.

Dane grunted as he watched her closely.

"We can get you out, Harmony. In a matter of months we can figure out how to hack the Bureau's computers and delete your files…"

"Jonas won't let me go that easily. It's better to play this game out and have it done with."

"He's set you up to fail, sweetheart…"

As though she weren't very well aware of that.

"I don't have time for this." She shook her head quickly. "I have to head back to the department and get that stupid GPS fixed. I can't run this time, Dane. If I stick it out, then he'll wipe the records."

"You're fooling yourself, Harmony." His smile was knowing. "He's trapped you. I can get you out of it."

She took another step back. For years he had always been there, pulling her ass out of the fire. He had rescued her, saved her life more than once, and always seemed to know exactly where she was, and what she was doing at any given time. And she had never known why. She had never really questioned why until lately. Suddenly the haze of hormones, hunger for Lance and confusion cleared from her mind. She stared around the deserted area, the hairs at the back of her neck lifting before her gaze returned to him.