Harmony's Way(20)

"I can't be weak," her voice slurred. "I can't be…" Between one second and the next she was asleep. Lance sighed as he closed her door gently before loping to the driver's side. After closing his door, he set the radio to link into Lenny's line.

"Lenny, I'm setting security protocols on the way to the house," he told the sergeant as he activated the energized shields around the vehicle. "Track GPS and see if I have a tail on the way."

"You got problems, Sheriff?" Lenny's voice was concerned.

"I don't know yet. See if you can detect anything suspicious from the public GPS and let me know."

GPS protocols were required on all vehicles, though they could be disconnected legally in many areas. He didn't have high hopes of Lenny catching anything, but it was worth taking the chance.

"I got you, Sheriff," Lenny answered. "I'll let you know if we catch anything." He pulled out of the parking lot, hitting the main street as he headed home. Lance cracked open his window, and for the first time in his life, he deliberately opened his mind to the whispers flowing on the wind.

A world of secrets, of pain, happiness and fears could be heard in the winds, his grandfather had once told him. If he listened close, then the wind would bring him what he needed, but only if he was willing to hear what it had to say.

He had never been willing before. Lance had fought the secrets of the wind, and his place as its chosen child. He had believed he could live without it, and perhaps he could, but he knew that saving Harmony was more important than his reluctance to follow something as unseen as the air around him.

As he drove, he let the wind blow around him, curling around his body, and Harmony's, before he detected the whisper at his ear. There were no words, there was the whisper of her cry, but he had heard that before. Behind the cry, though, was the secret he searched for, the whisper of deceit. And the warning.

He was being watched. Lenny hadn't reported on the GPS, which meant control wasn't picking up the tail, but the winds whispered the knowledge.

He grimaced at the illusive whispers. There were no answers, and that was the part that had driven his reluctance over the years. There were no answers, no proof, nothing to hold on to to give him what he needed to solve the problems he faced. He was a sheriff. He dealt in facts, in proof. A whisper of danger, or a ragged cry that only he could hear, and a strong intuition weren't enough to arrest a man. They weren't enough reason to pull the trigger.

He had learned that years before in Chicago, deployed with the highly advanced SWAT

team. His scope centered on a suspect, he had ignored the demand that he pull the trigger. He had fought the winds whispering at his ear, tugging at his trigger finger. Seconds later, a mother and her unborn child had died. A casualty to a bastard terrorist determined to take out as many innocents as possible.

And now the winds were at his ear again, a subtle scream of horror, pain and warning. And in those winds he heard Harmony's name.

Glancing over at her, he sighed heavily. She was slumped against the door, boneless, nearly unconscious with exhaustion. That depth of weariness wasn't caused by the heat alone. She had been running on nerves and sheer will alone for too long. Did she ever sleep?

He heard the answer in the wind. She ran, she fought, and even in sleep she was on guard. Until now.

She was weak, she had whispered. Unable to fight, and she was scared by that weakness.

As he drove to the edge of town and headed for home, Lance knew that protecting Harmony would mean more than just protecting her from whatever danger now followed them. It would mean protecting her from herself. Because Harmony would try to run. Once she awoke, once the heat had settled down, fear would tear her from him, no matter her desire to stay.

Was this the reason Jonas had brought her to him?

Lance frowned at the thought, wondering how the hell the other man could have known there would be a chance of this happening.

He felt the wind curl around his arm then, a whispery stroke that reminded him of the blood and saliva samples the Breed scientist, Elyiana, had taken from him the year before, after Braden had worked on the force. According to her and Jonas, it was required by any law enforcement official working closely with the Breeds. It was a ruse. He sensed it, heard the whispered affirmation at his ear. Jonas had been planning this for a while, but why?

There were no answers there. There was only the cry, shattered, broken, a wail of souldeep agony that caused his heart to clench, and his spirit to ache. It was Harmony's pain.


"She was better off sleeping through it…"

"Exhaustion. She hasn't slept in two weeks that I know of…"

"Goddammit, no one sleeps twenty-four hours…"

The voices slid through Harmony's consciousness as she felt a cold burn building in certain parts of her body. Her thighs. Arms. Along her neck. Her tongue. Which was odd as hell.

It felt as though an icy fire were building beneath the flesh in those areas. It was drawing her slowly from the heavy sleep she was encased in, forcing her to reality despite the obvious reluctance of her body to awaken.

But it was becoming irritating. That cold burn. Irritating enough that she frowned and forced her eyes to open.

Her gaze focused on the Breed scientist Elyiana Morrey, and Lance. Lance looked haggard. Ely, curious.