Guilty Pleasure(31)

At Khalid's explanation her gaze sharpened, her eyes narrowed, and the agent she had become over the years slipped into the picture.

"What was the operation?"

Shayne had to hide his smile. She would be full of questions now, and hiding the rest of the truth from her would be harder by the day for Khalid. Just as it would be more difficult for these two people to continue denying the emotions they felt for each other. Others saw it. Shayne saw it in both of them. But neither Marty nor Khalid had yet to acknowledge it.

He also doubted that Khalid saw the depth of her love, but it was something Shayne saw, and almost envied. If he were ready to love, then he would definitely have to fight Khalid for this woman.

And Marty didn't recognize that emotion in herself because, Shayne knew, she had felt it for Khalid for so long, that it had simply become a part of her. It was now as natural as breathing.

"So you believe Ayid and Aman Mustafa are going to try to kill you because of the mission here in D.C.?"

Marty knew far more than she let on. She wasn't about to allow it to distract her now, though. As she spoke, she allowed her fingers to whisper over the rise of her br**sts above the bodice of her dress. Back and forth, stroking, caressing her own flesh until even he could barely think for watching her.

"That is a reasonable explanation," Khalid murmured.

Shayne almost grinned at the sudden distracted tone in Khalid's voice. Not that he blamed the other man, watching Marty's fingertips caress the upper slopes of her br**sts was making him insane as well.

"And this is why you've stayed away from me all these years?"

Ah, she had him there. Shayne would have glanced at Khalid for his reaction if he wasn't pretty certain Khalid's attention was still glued to those fingers as she caressed herself.

"Should we play this safe then?" she asked. "Should I choose another lover, Khalid, hope he's a member of your illustrious club, and then hope he chooses you as a third?" Her fingers played closer to the edge of the material that barely covered her ni**les. "Then you wouldn't have to worry, would you?"

Shayne's mouth began to water even as he admired the very delicate, very subtle way she was learning exactly how to ensure that Khalid lost his heart to her. He wondered if she was aware he already had.

Damn, she was frightening. She should be an interrogator. Because she was going to wring every and any truth from Khalid's lips if he wasn't very careful.

"Would you enjoy watching me commit murder?" Khalid muttered, then nearly held his breath as she pressed her fingers beneath the bodice and slowly lowered it over the ripe, firm globes of her br**sts.

Pale pink ni**les, hard and flushed, met his avid gaze as he felt his mouth water for the taste of them.

A quick glance at Shayne showed that the other man was just as entranced. Just as eager and as hungry for a taste of her as Khalid now was.

"Would you commit murder for me?" Her inquiry was but a distant sound to his fogged brain.

"If another man tried to touch you without my direct approval, then yes, I believe I would," he stated, his attention never wavering as her fingers began to play over her distended ni**les.

Damn, that was pretty. Watching her touch herself was almost as torturous as touching her himself. He knew the shape, the silky sweetness, the heat of the firmed flesh. He knew the taste of them, the feel of them against his tongue, and he ached for more.

The strain on his own control was telling. He wanted nothing more than to jerk her to him, pull her over his lap and release the aching length of his c**k before pushing inside her.

Better yet, to have Shayne hold her, caress her, gently restrain her as Khalid parted her thighs and allowed the other man to watch his possession of her. To caress her, to push her pleasure higher than she could ever know with a single lover.

The fact that she was a virgin was all that stopped him. Though, leaning closer, his fingers going to her knee as her face began to flush with pleasure, he wasn't certain if either of them had the strength to pull back.

"You're beautiful," Khalid whispered as Shayne slowly moved to press her thighs apart and slide the short skirt of her dress nearly to her hips.

Sliding his fingers over the damp crotch of her panties, Khalid had to clench his teeth to hold back the need to f**k her immediately. How in hell was he going to manage to wait?

"Khalid." The breathiness in her voice stroked his senses as he pulled the silken material from the bare folds of her pu**y and ran his fingers over the silken, slick flesh.

"Let us watch you play with those pretty ni**les, sweet flower," he said as heat flooded his fingers. "I'll pet your soft little pu**y for a minute. Just for a minute, Marty, then we'll be home."

Her head fell back against the seat as her fingers pinched at her ni**les.

Moving closer, Khalid pressed one knee into the seat beside her as the fingers of one hand worked into the delicate clenched opening of her sex. His other hand tore at the restraints of his slacks, his eyes devouring the sight of her tweaking her ni**les as Shayne began to touch her, to caress her thighs, to ease higher as Khalid slid his fingers free of her pu**y to allow the other man to touch, to experience the softest flesh in the world.

Releasing the excruciating length of his cock, he had to bite back a groan. He needed her lips on him. He needed her taking him. Shayne began to caress the delicate folds of her cunt. His control was shaky at best at the moment.