Guilty Pleasure(23)

"You say this for what reason?" Khalid asked, his tone turning cold.

"She's attending a ball tonight with Senator Mathews." Shayne grinned. "I heard she actually approached another member of the club with an invitation, but it was very nicely refused."

Khalid's jaw tightened. Shayne had toyed with the idea of withholding this information, certain it would push Khalid into claiming Marty, and had not been certain that it was a good idea. If Khalid had already made that choice though, then it wouldn't hurt to let him know that his woman was growing a bit sick of the game he was playing.

Khalid drew in a hard, deep breath, as though drawing patience into himself. It had always amazed Shayne how he did that, how he forced a certain control on his emotions when it came to Marty Mathews.

She was a weakness. And honestly it was something Shayne had thought Ayid and Aman would have already figured out by now.

"The Sinclair ball," Khalid finally stated emotionlessly. "She's attending it tonight?"

Shayne nodded. "It would seem so."

"Then I will speak to her tonight."

Shayne smiled. "I look forward to being a part of her pleasure, Khalid. Thank you for the offer."

A half smile tugged at Khalid's lips. "You merely want a chance to play house for a while, remember?" he reminded Shayne.

"Well, there is that," Shayne agreed. "There's also watching her tie you in ten different kinds of knots. That's will always be amusing."

"I'll remember that when you're tied up in those knots yourself, my friend," Khalid informed him with a knowing grin. "Trust me, your turn is coming."

Shayne inclined his head in acknowledgment, though Khalid doubted he believed him. Shayne called himself a lone wolf for a reason. He had learned years ago, just as Khalid had, the cost of love. And like Khalid, the day would come when he would fight for it again.

"I'll let you know then when you're needed," Khalid finally said as the other man picked up his paper again and shook it out, his light brown eyes still lit with amusement.

It was an amusement most single members had when they watched another fall into the silken arms of the only woman their hearts seemed to beat for.

"Your father has called again," Abdul reported as he drove the limo along the curved driveway that led from the club.

Speak of the devil, Khalid sighed.

"What did the old bastard want this time?" A feeling of weariness descended over him like a heavy, wet blanket. Hell, there were times he wanted nothing more than to simply rest. To close his eyes without the worry of what tomorrow would bring.

"He wants to speak to you as always." Abdul's tone was without inflection.

The old bastard wanted to be certain Abram had come to D.C. as he'd asked him to.

"Did you tell him to go to hell?" Khalid asked with vicious politeness.

"I informed him once again that you have been quite busy." Abdul cleared his throat uncomfortably. "He seemed upset. More so than usual."

The son of a bitch called in a show of fatherly concern whenever Ayid and Aman were about to do something foul to him. If he needed confirmation that his brothers were ready to move, then this was it.

God, he wanted it over with. There were nights he actually managed to convince himself that he could fund the death of the old bastard and the sons that were no more than animals. And he would have, many times over, if his hand hadn't been stayed by the FBI.

"If he calls again, tell him I regretfully decline kinship with him and would prefer that he lay down and die painfully," he stated wearily. "In the meantime, please contact the estate and have my attire for the Sinclair ball laid out. It seems I'll be attending after all."

Chapter 5

The Sinclair balls were impossible to ignore, especially for those who were a part of the Sinclair club, or who knew Courtney. Members of the club were given a personal invitation by Ian Sinclair, with several reminders not to forget his wife's ball. Those who didn't attend endured his glares for weeks.

Married or single, the members knew better than to miss one. If there was one weekness Ian had, it was his delicate little wife and anything her merciless heart desired.

The end-of-summer event was in full swing when Khalid arrived, alone.

He moved across the ballroom to the bar on the far side and ordered a drink stiff enough to burn through the hunger riding him as he searched for Marty and Shayne. Apparently they hadn't arrived yet.